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lover oh how you touch me

Turns out hiding pregnancy from the mafia was not that difficult, I just had to live my life exactly as I did before

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Turns out hiding pregnancy from the mafia was not that difficult, I just had to live my life exactly as I did before. Just no yummy booze or drugs. Or fire. Damn it!

Not that Lorenzo let me do drugs before. And not like he gave me access to matches.

The only thing that did change, was how possessive and dominant Lorenzo had become since I told him. He never left me, and I mean ever. Which was good, because If I am being honest with myself, as I work on self discovery, I am a attention whore, no doubt.

"What are you thinking about?" Lorenzo uttered, as he swiped a pen across stacks of papers, while I sat on his lap.

My own personal throne.

"When I'm like 15 months pregnant am I still allowed to do naked yoga on the front steps?" I asked as I fluttered my eyelashes at him innocently, and I watched him smudge his signature at surprise of my words.

Lorenzo rolled out his shoulders at my response, his eyes narrowing on me in mere seconds. "First of all You aren't allowed to do that now. Ever. Second, you can't be 15 months pregnant."

"kay." I smirked, as I pushed off him and stretched, gripping the desk and bending down like a cat. Just to tease him with my amazing sexy wife material body.

Feeling Lorenzos eyes on the curve of my back, and the way I pushed my ass into the air made me blush.

"Serina." He sighed, as he gripped that pen a little harder. So hard I heard it crack.

"Meow." I smirked, as I stood up and pulled his white shirt further down my body.

"Serina." His voice Echoed in repeat around the room and to me, this time his words though were huskier and full of warning, as I heard the chair creak and watched him come stand behind me.

"Yes daddy? Master? My amazing little pussy tamer?" I smiled, as I stayed in place and pressed my back against his chest. Feeling his muscles from under his shirt

How does it put up with me? And why

"When do you begin showing?" He whispered into my ear, as he smoothed his hands slowly over my stomach.

"are you saying I've gained weight?" I faked a angered expression, and he grabbed me and spun me around. "I get it Lorenzo I'm chonky."

"You aren't...chonky, you are pregnant baby."

"I like when you call me baby. Really makes my pussy throb." I smiled as I wound my arms around his neck as he grabbed my hips and pulled me into his arms.

"Wrap your legs around my waist." He demanded and sinfully I did it. "Baby." He joked, as I gripped his chin and forced his head away—placing my lips on his jaw and collarbone and kissing his skin as his breathing haltered.

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