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For our 3 year anniversary, Roman took us out to an UPSCALE restaurant. He knew that my anxiety would spike if we were at a table where there was a lot of people so it was sweet of him to find a private spot for just the 2 of us

Our bill got paid so it was time for us to go back home. Roman put on his white trenchcoat as I put on my black jacket. We held hands as we walked out of the restaurant

I noticed the rain coming down from the dark sky so I immediately put down my hood, giggling as I took in the fresh scent

We didn't know it would rain so we didn't have an umbrella, Roman knew that the water would mess up his perfect hair but he didn't complain as we ran through the rain

We stopped at a crosswalk, Roman stuck out his hand to call a taxi. The bright yellow car approached us after a few minutes, we got inside and recognized an item hanging from the rear view mirror as the taxi started up

A yellow snake eye and a light blue heart was hanging from the rear view mirror

Janus? You're our driver?

Wait? Roman? You're in my taxi! How's life so far? Haven't seen you since your acting days

Life's been great, Virgil and I are celebrating our anniversary tonight. We were at that restaurant earlier and ended up running a few blocks through the rain

That's nice

How's everything going with Dad?

I'm thinking about getting a ring but I'm not sure yet, Patton and I have been together for a while now so I think we should make it official

Well good luck with that

The rain poured down as Janus drove us to our penthouse, I felt a kitten sneeze coming on so I reluctantly let it go

That was adorable

No it ~kitten sneezes again~ wasn't

Whatever you say, Darling

The rain made me relaxed and tired so I started to lean my head against Romans shoulder. Luckily we stopped at a light so Roman was able to unbuckle me and buckle me into his buckle. I could feel an arm wrap around me and gently holding my shorter shoulder in place to make sure I don't fall over

We drove for what it seemed hours but we stopped after only a few minutes of driving

Janus was about to wake up Virgil but I shushed him, saying that he would be a bit grumpy when he woke up from his nap. Janus understood and backed off, saying that our ride is free. I thanked him and unbuckled us, I managed to get Virgil into my lap so I can pick him up bridal style as we walked into the penthouse lobby

Janus got out of his seat and opened up my door, I thanked him once more before he drove off to his next destination. I said hello to the penthouse staff, Virgil was still asleep in my arms. I waited for the elevator to go to the lobby, there was a ding and the door opened. I stepped inside, pushing a button that has an R and V on it, taking us to our penthouse floor

We arrived to our penthouse, I saw our butler Logan giving us a confused look on his normally stoic and serious face

Why is Virgil like that in your arms? And why are you two soaking wet?

Virgil got tired during our taxi ride back here, I tend to pick him up bridal style sometimes so I decided to do it tonight. Also we didn't know it would rain after dinner so we didn't have an umbrella

I then sneezed myself, probably from the time spent out in the rain

I see. May I help you with any assistance regarding Virgil sleeping?

I can do it, Nerd. There's no need for extra help tonight, I suppose

Please refrain from calling me Nerd, I believe that it's not a proper nickname for myself.

I have seen your Star Trek fanfiction, Logan. You clearly are a nerd

We don't...talk about that. If you need any assistance, you know what to do.

Logan left to go about with his duties as I climbed the stairs to go to our room. I managed to get Virgil's shoes, jacket, and hoodie off, leaving him in his thin purple long sleeve shirt. I found his black fluffy pants patterned with butterflies, switching them out with his black ripped jeans

I got dressed as well, pulling on a pair of white fluffy pants patterned with golden crowns and not bothering with the shirt that came with it. I left our room for a minute to hang up our jackets and place our shoes on the shelf where the rest of our shoes live

I went back upstairs, Virgil was still asleep. I smiled and turned off the lights, getting underneath the covers. I gently pulled Virgil closer to me and wrapped my arms around him

I kissed his hair before my Forest Green eyes came to a close

In the morning, my head started to throb and my body felt heavy. The only thing keeping me warm was Virgil being close to me

Virgil rolled over and buried his face in me. He is silent and clings to me when he's sick so I'm pretty sure we're like this because of the rain from yesterday

I smiled and kissed his hair, falling back asleep because I am too tired to wake up for the day. I heard a knock on the door and a small creak

I also heard the sound when someone flips on the light switch. The blankets rustled a bit and I saw Virgil completely covering himself with them, I knew that Virgil isn't a big fan of light

Roman and Virgil, you are very behind on your morning. If you don't cooperate then I will have to resort to taking the blankets off of you.

We're sick Nerd, Virgil just wants to stay home and cuddle with me since we feel weak and our heads are both throbbing. Also shh! We have a sleepy adorable kitten here and I would suggest that you keep it down so that he won't be grumpy

I'll be quiet, you always want me to be anyway

The door shut, leaving Virgil and I alone. I smiled once again and laid back down with Virgil still in my arms

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