-Deserted Island-

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Virgil and I have been stranded here for who knows how. I don't know how much time passed before we crashed here. Currently, I'm starting a fire for the night to keep us warm. It gets lit and then I lay down so that I can go to sleep with Virgil

Early in the morning, I go hunt for food on the island. I stab some fish with my makeshift spear and bring it back to camp so that Virgil and I can have breakfast. I also replenish our water supply after going to the waterfall I found a few days ago

While walking back to camp, I find some things wading in and out from the shore. There was a small velvet box among the items. I pick it up and open it, seeing a ring. I place it in my pocket for safekeeping

I return to camp, seeing Virgil about to wake up, I smile and wake him up. I run my fingers through his bed head so that it isn't messy. I say good morning to him and cook us breakfast over a new fire

Virgil then says that he hears a plane so we quickly make an SOS on the beach. The plane sees it and they land, the people let us climb aboard after we get our things. We land after finding a place near a motel. We thanked the pilots and checked in the motel so that we can stay there for some days until we're able to move out and live on our own again

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