-The Question-

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This ring is figuratively burning a hole in my jacket pocket. Just a few more hours, Roman, then you can ask the question. But what if Virgil says no? What if he doesn't show up? My mind began to race as all the negative possibilities cornered all my positive thoughts

The ear-splitting ring of the bell soon began to wail all throughout the halls and classes. Picking up my things, I walked to my locker. I looked at the items I stuck on the metal door with magnets. Reminders and my schedule was most prominent but there was also photos from dates I set up

I quickly fixed my hair then went to some more classes until I was finally allowed to leave. Once in my car, I texted Virgil if he is able to go out tonight. He replied with a yes and I smiled. I texted back a location and time, slipping my phone in the other empty jacket pocket. Taking out the small velvet box, the negativity from earlier slowly started to melt away as I looked at the ring I bought a few weeks ago

I began to drive to my dorm I reluctantly share with my annoying brother, Remus, so that I can get ready. Loud noises and laughter was heard from the building, soon learning that it was starting at my dorm. The work of Remus, an absolute rager of a college party

Sighing, I reluctantly opened the door to see many students in a crowded and cramped dorm. Remus was on the couch, clearly intoxicated and hanging out with shady guys. I immediately get spotted by some very drunk people who either want me to join the party or for me to be their boyfriend since the majority of them were female

Trying to end this absolute nonsense, I turn the lights on since they were off before so that strobe lights could be seen. I guess they were used to enhance the rager atmosphere

Rooooo!! Turn the lights back off!!

No, you can't keep throwing parties in our dorm! It's my space as well!

Well, where am I going to hold them?

I dunno, but I am not cleaning this up by myself. Everyone clean up and hydrate, including you Remus, don't even try to weasel yourself out of this. It's your party so you hold responsibility for the mess

Everyone groaned and drank water, starting to clean up the mess. I go to my room and get changed after taking a quick shower. I text Virgil that I'm coming to pick him up now. Leaving my own dorm, I drive to Virgil's dorm building so I can take him to our date location. I would have to explain this mess was the reason I was a few minutes over the expected time

I knock on his dorm door, seeing Virgil. He smiled and I smiled back as I explained that Remus was holding a party so that's why I was a bit overtime. He said it was fine and dragged me to my car so that we can go on the date. I eventually reached the park and lead Virgil to an empty spot

I sat down with him and we talked as we watched the clouds. I was getting more nervous when I was thinking about asking him the question. Around sunset, Virgil picked up on my nerves and asked what was wrong

Nothing, totally nothing V. There's definitely not something to worry about

Ro, please don't hide your nervousness. It's perfectly okay to be like this. There's clearly something on your mind

I nod and take some breaths as I prepare to ask him the question

Virgil, you know I love you so much. You know that I would do anything for you and will always protect you. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry me?

I present the box to Virgil, he nods and hugs me. I place the ring on his finger and he looks at it, saying that he loves it. I smile and lay back on the grass, letting Virgil lay down too as we begin to stargaze as a way to celebrate our now-engagement

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