-Different Moments 3-

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Roman was reading on the couch. Virgil walked over to him and sat on his lap. Roman smiled and gave his boyfriend kisses before returning to read, this time out loud. Virgil listened as Roman read him the story, smiling the whole time


Roman and Virgil were walking. It was a nice day so they were going to the park. Roman occasionally lightly squeezed Virgil's hand just to let him know that his boyfriend is beside him. Virgil smiled and kissed Romans cheek once they arrived at the park


Virgil was asleep, breathing in Romans perfume of Roses and Cherries. His head was laying on Romans heart, where it belonged. His ring was sparkling in the moonlight, Roman recently proposed. Roman smiled down at his fiancé and fell asleep shortly afterwards


Virgil was aimlessly scrolling through the TV when Roman returned with 2 cups of tea. He placed the cups down and brought his fiancé into his lap. Virgil continued to scroll through, smiling when Roman hugged him from behind


Virgil was blindfolded, Roman lead him up a hill. Virgil then took off his blindfold, seeing many stars in the sky. Virgil hugged his husband, loving the surprise. Roman hugged Virgil back and laid them both down on the grass. They both stargazed, Roman would name the stars which made Virgil giggle. Roman saved the best for last, naming the brightest star after Virgil. He smiled and kissed his husband on the cheek, thanking him

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