-The Ice Prince-

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Suggested by Virgil-Sister-Jinx24

Ugh why can't I just be allowed to love who I want?! I have been given "the talk" by my parents

"The Talk" is that I'm betrothed to a random and most definitely stuck up Princess to end a stupid war. But Roman, you may ask, why aren't you happy?

A) arranged marriages are terrible and B) I'm very Gay. The only way to avoid this is to run away even though it's freezing out

But I have heard of a place where I can stay, hopefully if he'll let me

There are rumors that a Prince got cursed with the power of ice. His kingdom drove him out and into the woods all because he was different

So I packed up my things and left the castle at nightfall, using a map, I trekked to the place where The Ice Prince supposedly lives

I was about to reach the gates when I fell down, my skin was turning blue and my blood was starting to run cold. My vision became black

Was I dying?

Then I woke up in a new room. Everything was freezing. I shivered despite being under blankets

Then someone came in with 3 wet towels, a bucket, and a cup

They were transparent blue, like they were literally made of ice. They were also melting since I think the bucket somehow contained hot water even though they work in a literal castle made of snow and ice

The towels got placed on my ears and nose while my hands and feet got soaked with the water using the cup

After some time, I was taken to the throne room. What I saw just blew my mind

The Ice Prince was real! And he was beautiful!

|Ice Guards|
Your Royal Highness, the person found near the gates

Thank you. Would you mind leaving us alone?

|Ice Guards|
Of course, Your Royal Highness

They marched off to their posts

Why did you show up at my kingdom?

I ran away from my own kingdom, this was the only place I had in mind, and I also wanted to see if the rumors were true

You ran away? Did you get cursed with powers of your own and wanted to seek me out to get revenge on the one who casted it?

No, I'm a Prince myself but powerless and I ran away from a stupid betrothal only to stop a war. You know how royalty goes, princes get engaged to random and stuck up princesses despite the fact they aren't in love with them sometimes

So what you're saying is-

Yes, I'm basically the first gay prince. Go ahead and laugh since it's unheard of

No, you feel the same as me. An outcast. But we're from contrasting backgrounds. Despite the fact we're royalty, you ran by choice and I ran unwillingly. I didn't ask for these powers so the kingdom chased me out all because I was different

Do you know who casted it?

No, I was so young, probably a baby. I can only remember a flashing blue light, they also smelled sweet like cookies and sugar

Cookies and Sugary smell

That can only mean one person

I know who cursed you, my Uncle Patton. On the outside, he seemed nice and would bake cookies on late nights. But he secretly craved power and wanted a successor to inherit his strength of ice magic. He passed away 19 years ago but I was told that he died while hunting, guess he used the last of his strength to curse you

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