-The Ghost Of You-

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MCR Oneshot woo!
I never said I'd lie and wait forever
If I died, we'd be together, ow
I can't always just forget him
But he could try

I finish packing up my things, wishing that I can stay here in Great Britain and not be away from my Darling and Remy. I don't have a choice, growing up I was the perfect man. Now the perfect soldier fighting in the Great War

Do you have to go, Dad...?

I'm sorry, mi hijo. I have to, I don't have any say in the matter

Remy's young, why have you been called to fight now?

I don't know, Darling

My husband started to cry, I hugged him tightly as if I'd never see him again. Remy joined our hug before it was time for me to go. I lifted up Virgil's chin with my fingers, I sweetly searched his eyes and remembered their pretty colors of purple and green. I wiped away the tears with a thumb and kissed his forehead. I reluctantly turned my back and left to fight

At the end of the world, or the last thing I see
You are never coming home
Never coming home
Can I? Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever ever

"Mails In"

I put down my book and go to the front door, seeing only a single letter. I pick it up, it looks old and stained with blood and water. I turn it over to the front, recognizing a name

Roman Richard Simmons

I immediately tear it open, wanting to hear if he's alive. He talks about how he made friends with 2 people named Janus Drake and Logan Kendry, he kept saying how much he missed us here at home. I finish reading it and tack it above Roman's desk for safekeeping

Ever get the feeling that you're never all alone
And I remember now
At the top of my lungs in my arms
He dies, he dies

My eyes snap open, not feeling My Darling beside me. Only other men who are tired, hungry, and dirty, just like me. The scratchy fabric of my cot is uncomfortable and the scrap General calls a blanket isn't helping my homesickness and now developing PTSD from all the damage done these past few months. At least the Central Powers haven't noticed that I keep stealing both their valuables and information. I take out my only photo of Virgil and Remy, missing them severely. I kiss the fading and stained paper before placing it back where it goes, in a pocket where my heart is on my uniform jacket. I go back to sleep, clutching my pillow like I would with Virgil

At the end of the world, or the last thing I see
You are never coming home
Never coming home
Can I? Should I?
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me
Never coming home, Never coming home
Can I? Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
And all the ghosts that are ever gonna catch me

That was the only letter I received from Roman. Here am I wishing that nothing bad happens to him, I keep trying to suck up my pain but it doesn't work. Me being a habitual worrier doesn't help me at all, at least Remy is cheering me up. He's been able to read my facial expressions since he could talk. He keeps doing everything around the house and helping our caretaker Patton just so that my mental health doesn't skyrocket down. Hopefully the Great War will be over soon and Roman will come back if he's alive

If I fall
If I fall down
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

I got out of the Ford Automobile that was stopped near my house, I thanked the driver and picked a red rose from our garden. I walked to the front door and knocked, hearing an In A Minute from My Darling inside. The door opened and there he was, Virgil. He immediately hugged me, speechless from my return. I picked him up and spun him around, laughing and crying on the sidewalk. Smaller footsteps appeared and ran up to me, I bent down to Remy's height and picked him up as well. We all had a reunion outside the house until Virgil finally spoke

Roman, run and leave the trenches

Run and leave the trenches

Run and leave the trenches!


At the end of the world, or the last thing I see
You are never coming home, never coming home
Never coming home
Never coming home
And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me

I took a risk and decided to get above the trenches, I ran though and dodged the bullets ripping, ignoring protests from everyone else. All was silent, then a finger pointed at me from the Central Commander. 8 soldiers from the enemy left their trenches and surrounded me with their guns pointed. I was forced to walk into the Central Generals territory

|Central General|
Mr Simmons, wasn't it? I have reasons to believe that you are the culprit behind the disappearance of not only our valuables but also our plans and information

Do you even have evidence if you're making false accusations?

|Central General|
You have left behind your calling card, play the record!

A cronie of his put a record on a record player, the sound of me singing "My Sweetheart Is In France" after I stole information about toxic gas

|Central General|
Oh Cronie? What was the date when this was recorded?

April 15th, Sir

|Central General|
Why, that was only yesterday! Confess to your wrongdoings and I'll spare you, say nothing in 10 seconds or you'll die

10 seconds counted down quickly

|Central General|
So, you've chosen to die. Any last words?

He sets up the trigger, pointing the barrel at my forehead

Goodbye My Darling and Remy

A single bullet enters my body

Never coming home, never coming home
Can I? Should I?
And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
And all the ghosts that are ever gonna...

My room is locked, both Remy and Patton could hear me sob from their rooms. I got the news from Roman's Commander once the Great War was over. His departure from the house was the last time I ever saw him. I don't know if I will ever cope with the loss, let alone be a normal functioning person again. I survived one war, then two, and a Financial Crisis. Not leaving the safety of my room the entire time. My time came during the height of the Space Race, seeing a very familiar face once I woke up in the clouds

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