-The Ghost Seer-

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TW-Past Deaths, Asylums, Mental Disorders
This chapter does have Mental Disorders, I apologize if I am painting the ones in this Oneshot in a bad light, if I am then tell me in the comments. and ways to improve -Tempest

I can see Ghosts, crazy I know

No one else believed me growing up, yet I always told stories about the ones I see a lot

I really need to go somewhere, recently I got kicked out of my house and got fired from my job. Mr Flowers's passing put me over the edge, I think about him every time I pass by a cemetery

It's currently foggy, convenient since I'm walking through the woods. In my hands is a poster for the Gainesville Asylum, my intended destination for me to stay

I see an iron gate in the distance, leading to the Asylum. I walk through them, not hearing a creak whatsoever

My black shoes with white soles step on a stoney ground, passing by a parking lot in front of the building. I walk up the stairs, opening one of the double doors

Seeing a check in desk, I chat with the desk lady for a minute to convince her to admit me. She didn't agree and I stayed despite her saying for me to leave

Then she had to go, leaving me in the main hallway. I could see 5 ghosts, each of them in different colors

Dark Blue was reading The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd 

Yellow was drinking wine straight from the bottle while Green was using an Imma Kill You Stick to repeatedly bonk his head

Light Blue is sliding down the banister, floating back up and doing the same cycle again

Red was searching for something or someone, a sword was attached to his belt which was interesting

Considering the order of the rainbow, Purple and Orange was somewhere else in the Asylum

Finally one of them noticed me, Yellow, he still had the bottle but it was now in his hand. He floated over towards me

Are you a staff member?

No, I'm a hypochondriac. Kidding, I'm a patient here

More like an alcoholic instead of a hypochondriac

Oh ha ha very funny, just because I drink wine straight from the bottle means that I consume alcohol on a daily basis. Actually that's why I'm here, that and for being a pathological liar

Ok, did you die here?

Unfortunately I did, see my face? This side got 4th degree burns, it never healed because I died from it. Although the cool thing is that I got a yellow eye

Aren't you going to tell me your name?

Deceit, my nickname. I'm happy to oblige

Thomas Sanders, nice to meet you

We shook hands, I now noticed that Deceit wore gloves since I could feel fabric when we shook hands

Light Blue stopped sliding down the banister, floating over to me

Hi there Kiddo!

Hi, who are you?

My name is Patton, you're Thomas right?

Yeah, considering Deceit died here, did you?

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