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Songbird, Songbird
Come back home to me
Songbird, Songbird
Fly up above from down below
Songbird, Songbird
Please hear my song
My Songbird
Please fly back home to me

I sing as I stumble with bruised feet in some part of the woods. I've been calling out for My Songbird for who knows how many days. Continuing to sing, I return to the tavern with my apartment up above. My shakey hand grips the doorknob, then I come inside the tavern

Everyone inside sees me and begs me to sing the song I'm known for, I reluctantly went on the makeshift stage. My grief consumed me and my crying made me stop in the middle of the song. The owner of the tavern and my mentor, Logan, gets on stage so that he can comfort me

Where's your Songbird, Roman?

I turned around, convinced that I was being tricked. My Songbird is lost from me forever

I'll happily help you grieve if you need support, alright? I'll bring you upstairs so that you can get settled

Logan helps me upstairs to my apartment and makes me some tea. He leaves me for a moment after telling me that he needs to close up the tavern. As soon as the front door shuts, I rummage through the kitchen cabinets for a bottle of medicine. I drink it all instead of the tea Logan made me, hoping and wanting to be reunited with My Songbird down below

I stumble back against the bed, the now empty bottle falls on the floor. Logan comes back to my apartment, concern showing up on his face. Waving his hands, he healed me by taking the medicine out of my stomach

What are you doing, Roman?

No, what are you doing? Let the soul of my brother who I now call Fate and Doubt curse me again so that I can die!

You have a long life ahead of you, Roman

My life isn't mine if My Songbird isn't in it!

Just so you know Roman, I will be there every single time you try to sacrifice yourself to the realm of Janus

He understands what I'm going through, someone powerful as a God feels the pain of losing their love

That is still no reason to sell your soul away this early. You'll reunite with your Songbird eventually, now please take this so that you can sleep tonight

I was about to protest but Logan cut me off by making me take something so that I can sleep. True to what he said, I was out cold after a few seconds. Late at night, I woke up. Looking directly across me, it was the soul of my brother Remus who is now known as Fate

Goody, you're awake

Remus, you heard my call right?

Of course I did, dumbo. I'm a God now. As soon as Fate gets mentioned, I can hear it

So you're here to curse me to die, right?

Woah, what's up your butt lately? Are you insane? You're too sad about losing your SmellBird-

Songbird, Remus. My Songbird

You're too sad about losing your Songbird that you just want to die like that? Not going to happen that easily, Broman

But my life isn't mine if My Songbird isn't in it!I tried to do the unthinkable for him and failed, if you haven't interfered then I wouldn't be like this!!

Your story is the textbook definition of a Tragedy, and as such, I had to play a role in it. Stop your moping and get your act together, Logan is right about having a long life ahead of you, Roman

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