-Oddessy AU-

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TW-War mentions/Older Battle Scars
Roman was called off to fight in the Trojan War shortly after we adopted Remy

I made sure that he had everything since I figured the war would be long and hard

We went to the place where the army meets so that their families can say goodbye to them

I gave Roman a farewell kiss and raised Remy's tiny arm for him to wave at his Dad

Tell your comrades that Remy and I say hello to them when you arrive at the camp

I will, Darling

He gave me his award winning smile and met up with his friends, he pointed at me and signaled for me to come over

Janus, this is my husband Virgil and my son Remy

I shyly waved at Janus, he waved and said his hellos to us. Remy reached out and touched Janus's older battle scars on his face, mesmerized completely. Janus was confused for a minute but relaxed when Remy kept smiling in wonder at his face

Remy babbled and saw his Uncles Logan and Remus, wanting to say hello to them

Roman said bye to Janus before we walked to see my in laws

Remus immediately noticed us and grabbed Logan's hand, running over to us. Remus gave a big brotherly hug to Roman, I'm so happy that they finally saw past their differences and stopped fighting with each other

Remy babbled again for him to say hello to his Uncle Remus. He asked if he could hold his nephew for a bit and I accepted, Remus took Remy from me and his mustache got grabbed by tiny hands

Logan asked if he could take Remy from Remus for a bit and I accepted, the tiny hands stopped grabbing Remus's mustache and started to poke at Logan's glasses

Logan tried not to crack a smile but I could see a small one forming on his normally stoic face as Remy continues to poke and play with his glasses

Suddenly a horn sounds, signaling the soldiers have to go fight. I gave Roman one last kiss and Remy gave him one last wave before he unfortunately had to leave

We walked back home, me hoping that Roman will survive the war

A few days pass, a knock was heard all throughout the house

I put Remy down and go to the door, opening it and seeing a rando on my lawn

Why are you here?

Your husband has angered Poseidon so he will unfortunately have to stay at the camp longer then expected

How did he do that?

Dunno, probably venting to the ocean or something. Anywho, hopefully you and your son gets spared

Alright cool

1 year passes and a knock was heard. I went to the front door and saw some women

Uhh hi?

Why hello there~

I slam the door in their faces. I use the keyhole and saw that they're still on my lawn. I opened the door again

Uh why are you here?

Your husband was killed in action! Marry one of us and we'll totally not steal your wealth

Funny story, please leave my house or else I'll get the authorities that you're trespassing on my property

The women fume in anger and leave my lawn

A few more years pass, lots of women lined up to get my hand and every time they lie about Roman being dead, I shut them down with a sarcastic comment

10 years now, same routine, different suitors showing up on my lawn

18 years, same routine, different women

20 years, same routine, different annoying women

I was hoping that they'll all go away but one stayed. They were wrapped into different fabrics like an elderly person

They ask me about Roman and I tell them about the women showing up everyday for 20 years and failing to have my hand

I give them a goodnight and design a test: who can say Romans nickname for me will have my hand in marriage

I tack it to the front door so it's the first thing the women see in the morning

Many knocks and angry protests were heard that day. The same elder came by too, apparently wanting to pass the test

Romans name for you is My Darling

Yes, how did you know that?

A magician never reveals their secrets

Strange. Well then what is one of the legs on our bed?

A living olive tree

I recognized that voice
The Elder took off their pieces of fabric
It was Roman

I ran up to him and immediately hugged him, very happy to see him after all these years

Roman picked me up and spun me around, laughter filled the room as all the remaining women fumed and stormed off

Remy came in the room with his boyfriend Emile, he ran up and hugged his father

Last time I saw you, you were tiny! You kept poking at Uncle Logan's glasses and latched onto Uncle Remus's mustache, you were also mesmerized at Janus's older battle scars

Wait really? That was so long ago, Dad

Yep, I remember it to this day. Also did you manage to get a boyfriend?


Yes, I'm Emile. Nice to finally meet you

Remys insomnia is magically cured because of him, don't know how he does it

At least he's getting sleep for once


Anyways, I'm going to need a long nap since my war days and adventure is done

Roman trudged upstairs to get the sleep he deserved after all these years

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