-Lava X Water-

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Suggested by Virgil-Sister-Jinx24

My name is Roman and I am the god of Lava

I have a disliking for Virgil, god of Water

He keeps being his dismal and gloomy self whenever I do my duties. He even said that my singing is too loud and obnoxious!

He's the exact polar opposite of me, but I can't help thinking about us being together. Virgil is always alone and closed off so I can try and open him up

Of course that will never happen, water and lava don't go together. Anyway I do some singing warmups before heading out of my obsidian palace above the endless ocean. I make little lava droplets as I sit on the edge of the palace, my feet in the water. Its peaceful for a long while, is this what Virgil does? Be silent in his domain? Strange, I like it. Maybe I should do it more often

Then my gut told me something was off, the waves started to crash signaling that Virgil was in trouble! I dove into the water after getting my sword, swimming around until I found Virgil's foot stuck in fire coral. I got up close, hacking away the bits of fire coral making Virgil stuck

Eventually I freed him, swimming up to the surface. We climbed onto to the palace edge, Virgil hugged me tightly after we stood up. I was surprised since he doesn't like me but I hugged back

Hey Virgil, you ok?

I'm ok, thanks for getting me out of there despite hating me

You're welcome, is your foot going to be ok?

Yeah, I have the stuff to treat it

He turns to go back to the water


He turned around

I don't hate you Virgil

You don't? But we're polar opposites, Lava and Water don't mix

Look at what we're standing on


What I'm saying is, do you want to be friends with me?

I could take a stab out of it, sure

Great, so do you want to hang out now as your foot gets treated?

Sure, let me get the things first

He dives into the water, coming back with two bottles of stuff, opening them and rubbing them on his foot after pouring out some on his hand. He takes a pair of tweezers and takes out the smaller bits still stuck in his foot

Is your foot done?

Virgil nods, standing up on the obsidian floor

Where do you want to hang up first?

We met up with eachother whenever we could, despite the fact that we have duties to fulfill since we are Gods. I fell more and more in love with him

One night, I took Virgil stargazing. It was late and he looked stunning in the moonlight. I pondered on confessing my love to him throughout the evening

We sat on my obsidian roof, a slight chill came through the air and Virgil scooted closer to me since I am naturally warm. I put an arm around him, his hand held the hand around him. They fit perfectly and I was secretly happy

¥Virgil and Roman}
Can I tell you something?

Should I-

No it's ok, you can go

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