-Apocalyspe 2-

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Suggested by @Peculiar_oddities
Part 2 to Apocalypse, read part one first if you haven't in order to get a general background


Roman Alpha said, dumbfounded yet surprised that his brother, Remus Alpha, is still alive. Remus hit some more Zombies infected with COVID Omega with his mace before answering back

Oh hey Broman! What have you been doing?

Hiding in a bunker, you?

Stealing and scavenging for loot and junk, however me and my buddy Janus don't have a permanent place to stay

Oh. The bunker I live in does has room for you two, in the meantime, thanks for killing the Zombies

You're welcome. Hey JJ! We have a place now!!

A man wearing a dirty bowler hat soon came over to Remus

Finally. That abandoned mall was good while it lasted. We've been hiding in there for about a month and it got pretty boring being the only two people in there

Janus, this is everyone. Everyone, this is Janus Delta




It's a pleasure to meet you!


Roman gave Remus and Janus a quick tour of the bunker once the group descended from the wastelands up above and set up 2 air mattresses in an empty room of the bunker. He explained how everything functions and stuff like that so that Remus and Janus are aware of the things in the bunker.

Remus and Janus went back outside so that they could get their things from the abandoned mall. They were scavenging and went over to fight some Zombies who were trying to break into the bunker so they didn't bring their stuff with them

So, who's Remus?

Virgil asked once him and Roman were alone in their room

Remus is my younger twin brother, we're identical but Remus has the mustache and white streak in his hair. I thought he got infected after we went our separate ways 5 or so years ago

Virgil nods, understanding the situation. He slowly started to fall asleep after waking up early this morning so Roman let him take a nap. Roman smiled and went up to the surface after being properly protected from COVID Omega, scanning the general proximity for Zombies or loot

There was a few Zombies that Roman killed while outside, one was dressed all fancy and had clear signs of plastic surgery while the other was wearing a cowboy hat and boots

Retrieving the Zombie flesh, Roman went back into the bunker so that Logan Sigma and Patton Gamma, former scientists, could experiment and figure out how to cure COVID Omega. Remus and Janus eventually returned so that they can settle in their room and the bunker

Later, in the middle of the night, Roman returned to the abandoned mall so that he could stock up supplies for the bunker. He stole utilities from a Bath and Bodyworks, loose change from old cash registers, almost stale items from vending machines, and left behind clothes in their respective stores. He went back to the bunker, attempting to be quiet as he put away the recently stolen items

He heard a footstep as he was putting away the things from the vending machines, it was Virgil. He tapped Roman on the shoulder to get his attention

What's wrong, Butterfly?

Roman whispered, trying to not wake up the rest of the group

I don't like it when you leave

Virgil whispered back, bringing Roman back to their room so that they could talk without whispering. Their room is on the very bottom floor, Logan's room was above them. Patton's room was across from the kitchen and the shared room between Janus and Remus was next to the outside hatch leading to the outside

Roman and Virgil sat in their bed once they were in their room

Why don't you like when I leave?

It's either very early or very late when you do go out, sometimes you will be gone for the whole day if there is nothing good. You're needed at the bunker and the searching doesn't have to fall on your shoulders. And besides, we have plenty of things to do, to eat, and to have instead of you going out every day so that we can have more than enough items

Well, maybe your wish might come true because Remus and Janus have also been stealing supplies. Maybe we could switch off responsibility or something? Knowing Logan and Patton, they'll probably work together in order to decide going out should be done by which people in the group

Virgil nods, yawning because he wanted to go back to sleep

Wanna go back to sleep, Butterfly?

Virgil nods again, more sleepily this time. Roman smiled and lays them both down, giving Virgil a small kiss in his hair before falling asleep as well

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