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TW - Alcohol, Smoking, Bad Relationship

I get summoned outside a small house, broken bottles and stains were pretty much everywhere on the property. I slowly walk towards the small staircase leading up to the equally small porch. My foot goes through a step, indicating that the wood was old. I eventually reach the door, opening it reveals the house's mess

Glass was strewn all over the floor and the air smelled terrible, the stench of cheap alcohol and cigar smoke. The house was deadly silent. Something suddenly broke it however, a baby was crying

Could it be? I quickly find where the baby was, they were holding a red crayon in one small hand and a teddy bear was in the other. My sigil was drawn with the exact red crayon on a sheet of paper. I pick up the baby who immediately calms down once they're in my arms

Baby in tow, I set off to see who made the mess all throughout the house. Laying on the couch, I see my love. A ripped lavender hoodie covered most of his body. His once beautiful face is now covered in bruises and wounds. I squeeze his hand while teleporting me, him, and the baby back to my realm

I bring the baby to their room again, their small face start to recognize the surroundings of the nursery once more before falling asleep

Smiling, I take me and my love to our room again after I called it my room ever since my love and the baby was stolen from me. Pushing those conflicting feelings down a bit, I fall asleep next to my love again

I wake up, not recognizing my surroundings. Gentle, not hard hands begin to wrap around me. A familiar scent of roses, cherries, and smoke went through my nose. Looking up, I see equally familiar Forest Green Eyes and familiar perfect hair

Ro? Is that you?

In the flesh, Butterfly

I hug Roman tight, happy that we're together again. I then start to cry a bit, which Roman immediately picks up on

What's wrong? Why are you crying?

Thank you

I say through small sobs. Roman looks confused about what I meant

You got me and our baby out of that dump of a house and relationship


The reason why we were gone was because I was forced into a relationship with a man who I never even met. My parents thought that he was rich and stuff but he turned out to be a scumbag who spends all the money I made for his cheap alcohol and cigars. Drunken rages always ended up with me getting hurt. He never cared about me and the baby, leaving me to fend for myself

I get gently pulled closer as I fully sob into Roman, who comforts me instead of leaving me alone. Roman lifts up my face so that he can wipe away my tears, then peppers kisses all over my face which makes me laugh a bit. Roman smiles and turned red when I gave him a kiss on his cheek

Eventually we leave the room so that we can check on the baby. They were fast asleep, holding onto their teddy bear. Roman hugs me from behind as we check on our child. Roman leaves me for a moment so that he can make a bottle for the baby, then returns to hugging me

I smile while leading ourselves out of the nursery. Roman hugs me a little tight, I ask why is he keeping me close to him

I don't want to lose you to some scumbag ever again. You and our baby rightfully belong here with me

I kiss his cheek again

We won't be separated ever again, it'll be alright Ro

Roman slowly nods, giving me a forehead kiss

Late at night, I slowly rise out of bed. Reluctantly leaving my love at home, I teleport to the scumbags dump and excuse for a house. Quickly locating him asleep on a recliner with a bottle of cheap alcohol in his hand, I pick him up easily by his neck thanks to my strength

The scumbag wakes up, seeing me. He tries to escape my grasp but fails. Perfect. I drop him at first, making him believe that he's fine but I raise him up in the air

Who are you? Some person who does this stupid magic junk at birthday parties?

I'm not a magician, Scumbag!

Scumbag? I have a name you know!

I don't care about you, I only care about how terribly you treated my love and our baby!

You talking about Virgil? He barely scrapes by to get me the dough for my necessities. And who would look after some dumb baby anyway?

Never talk about them like that ever again, or else I'll be your worst nightmare

I'd like to see you try with your "magic tricks"

Tricks? I have tons up my sleeve, you'll pay for what you did to my love and our baby

The Scumbag scoffed arrogantly, prompting me to snap my fingers. The snap teleported us to my realm, specifically where I leave my enemies to spend eternity with their sins

The Scumbag gets chained up so that he can't escape, I leave him with his sins by sending him off with a "Have Fun Spending Eternity with your Wrongdoings" before returning back home

I check on the baby then go to my room, seeing Virgil still asleep. I smile and lay down, giving him some kisses before falling asleep

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