-Based off of this FanArt-

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Credit to EastWhileSky for the amazing art
TW-Nightmare, Remus, Fighting

Virgil wasn't a side when the split happened, only just an abstract thought in the back of a young Thomas Sanders head

Yet it shows up in his nightmares, one man wearing a rainbow sash cracking with red and green lines spreading all over

A crown drops to the ground, then disappeared into nothingness like it was never there. A weapon separates into a sword and a mace, the blades clanging on the hard floor of a crumbling castle

Two newly formed sides looked directly across from eachother confused and scared, the castle continues to crumble around them

Red stands up, then Green. They walk towards the center, gripping eachothers hands and arms like they need support

Who are you?
Where are we?
Who are we?
Why do we look the same?
Why do we have the same face?
You have a mustache and I don't...?
You have brown hair
I have a grey streak
I have a sword
You have a mace
Are we twins?

The origin of the Creativity Twins came to light, they were happy and playful with no conflict. They went so far that they found the Imagination and created a Treehouse, a sanctuary for escape

The snakes pocket watch swings back and forth, it ticks and tocks throughout the day

Who knows if they'll start to hate eachother?

The teacher turns a page, keeping up with their endless studies and research

What will happen if the twins separate?

The father flips between channels, choosing and deciding on the food network

Why wouldn't they want to be apart?

The unknown bangs on their locked room door in rage, trying to get out of their prison

bang! bang! baNG! bANG! BANG! BANG!

Virgils eyes shoot open, feeling around for an object of the past. He finds his old stuffed rabbit Mrs Fluffybottom and remembered the Vine Era for a minute, later debating on going his boyfriends room for safety. Virgil falls back against his bed, deciding to go with staying in his room


Ever since Green received a silver cross necklace, he has been...off

Red goes alone to their Treehouse while his twin gets lectured by the father about what's right and wrong. But Green found a new playmate with the snake, occasionally he would steal the bowler hat on top of the yellow sides head and gets chased by the now angry man

The teacher can get annoyed by the twins antics, now carrying out their master plans separately to have fun and play

The twins dared to not question what was behind the door of the unknown, being told that someone dangerous is behind by the father as Red and Green's morals and thinking turn Black and White

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