-Babysitting/Child AU-

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TW-Childhood Nightmares (Dream Monsters)
Talyn and Joan were going to a meeting while their son Virgil was going to be alone. They scheduled his friend Roman to come over with his parents and family friends Thomas and Nico so everything worked out nicely

Talyn told Virgil that Roman was coming over so he was excited to see his friend. Virgil never met Thomas and Nico before because Roman's oldest brother Patton always picked him up from school

The doorbell rang and Joan went for the door, saying hello to their friends

Virgil saw a glimpse of Roman holding onto his plastic dress up sword and he was happy but saw two taller people with him, Virgil hugged his brown teddy bear wearing a yellow raincoat and hat tighter which he always does when he's anxious

Talyn went downstairs, seeing Virgil anxious. They sat next to Virgil, trying to ask why he's anxious today

Virgil? Romans here, there's nothing to be anxious about

Who's the people with him?

They're friends of Joan and me, they're also Romans parents. Thomas and Nico are really nice and I bet they'll like you

Virgil tried to get calm but he hugged his bear more, Talyn and Joan then had to say goodbye to their son and told him they'll be back

Roman ran over to Virgil, noticing that his bear is being hugged tightly

Thomas and Nico looked at eachother and wondered where their son went, they found Roman with a smaller kid tightly holding a teddy bear and wearing a big purple patched black hoodie. His brown hair was in front of his eyes and the hood was up

They went closer to the children, sitting down on the soft carpeted floor. Virgil hid behind Roman with an anxious look on his face

Is that the friend you tell Patton about all the time, Roman?

Yeah! Virgils very shy and scared about everything though, he might not talk when he's like this

We're not scary and we know your parents Virgil

Virgil nods his head and slowly comes out from behind Roman, still holding onto his bear

Thomas and Nico wave hello to Virgil, trying to not make him more anxious then he already is. Virgil waves shyly to them with a big sweater paw and continues to clutch his bear

Roman puts an arm around Virgil's shoulder, smiling because his friend isn't scared of Thomas and Nico

Virgil's eyes started to droop, indicating that he needs a nap. His head started to lean against Romans arm.

Thomas picked up the sleeping Virgil and walked upstairs to the young boys room. Roman followed his Dad and sat in a chair near Virgil's bed, his dress up sword was at the ready

Roman, we said no swords before we came here

But Dad! Virgil needs help to fight off the monsters in his head! He keeps waking up scared during nap time at school

I'll let you have the sword, don't tell Papa I allowed it

Roman quietly celebrated his victory and Thomas left the room, closing the door behind him

Virgil slept for what it seems hours, Roman always had his sword to protect his friend from the dream monsters

He heard rustling from the Virgil sized bed near him. Roman was about to wake up his friend when Talyn and Joan walked in

Virgil woke up crying, he ran over and hugged Talyn's leg, his bear with him

Talyn picked him up from off the floor

Virgil, did your dream monsters come?

Virgil nods, crying and clutching his bear

Ro had his sword but he didn't come to save me in time

Yeah! I tried to save my Princess from the monsters like I do during nap time!

Virgil held his bear not as tightly like during his moments of anxiousness, trying to dry his tears. He smiled a little bit when Roman called him his Princess

Virgil got set down on the floor, walking over to Roman and hugged him. Roman hugged Virgil back

I'm your Princess Ro?

Of course! Every Prince needs one to protect from Monsters and Evil DragonWitches!

Virgil smiled shyly and lead them both to his bed, he tucked themselves underneath the purple spider webbed patterned blankets

The best friends took a nap, The Prince protected his Princess from the monsters as they did

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