-The Great Depression-

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I was about to send in my paperwork when my boss Logan called us all into his office

Gentlemen, as you know, The Great Depression has left businesses to lay off their employees, so unfortunately that is why I have called you all here. You are allowed to go home

I go back to my desk and pack up my briefcase, waving a goodbye to Logan and now leaving the place where I once called a job

My now defunct workplace is a short 10 minute walk away from the house, my 2 toned Oxfords make a sharp sound against the sidewalk. Afterwards, I reach the house, hearing the jingle of keys when I go unlock the door

I take off my grey fedora with white stripes and hang it on the coatrack in the hallway, along with my blazer jacket which matches the hat. My Oxfords get neatly lined up next to simple black around the house shoes and a pair of adorable leather shoes that should be in an empty bedroom untouched for years

I walk into the living room, seeing my husband Virgil sitting on our cream colored couch and reading a Fashion Magazine

Virgil, I'm home

He looked up at me from his magazine

You never say my name, you only do it when you're upset about something, what happened at work?

I...got laid off

Virgil looked at me with very concerned purple and green eyes

It was bound to happen ever since businesses started to do it, but now what can we do

Dunno, the Depression made profits plummet so drumming up any cash will be useless if we wanted to go back to our jobs

Virgil glanced back at his magazine, he was rereading the positive reviews on his own original designs which was something he did to keep him from being bored or lonely. He took a hiatus from the fashion industry for some months so that he could look after our only son Thomas while he were still alive

We kept his room the same as it was and we've never stepped foot in it again after he unfortunately passed of pneumonia, a common disease among children Thomas's age

I then joined Virgil on the couch

Hopefully JJ still keeps hosting his parties, but he'll probably won't be accompanied by his staff since I guess they got laid off too

The parties are all fun and games until JJ gets drunk on his very expensive bottles of wine and we get sent back home since literally no one likes to hear his rants while intoxicated

Agreed. How can someone drunkenly rave about how society is flawed for a half hour?

Virgil gave out a small laugh, it was nice to see him sound happy after all of the terrible things going on in the world. I then smiled and rolled up the sleeves of my collared white dress shirt to my elbows and unbuttoned 3 of the buttons so that I don't feel that stuffy

A few weeks later, We heard footsteps come from outside, then a knock was at the door. I opened it and there was my now old boss Logan

Hey, Logan. What's going on?

I unfortunately don't have the funds left to pay for my house's rent so I was forced to get evicted. Is it alright if I stay here?

Hold on. Hey Virgil?


Can Logan stay here?

He can take one of our guest rooms! The one outside the bookshelf!

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