-The Pirate and The Mermaid-

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Roman is a notoriously famous pirate captain, he took in and later fell deeply in love with Virgil, a simple servant on the ship who is secretly a mermaid. Virgil is afraid to tell Roman of his true identity out of fear of being exiled from the ship. He doesn't want to make Roman lose his temper if his secret gets out, which is ironic because Virgil is the only person who can calm him down from fits of anger

Roman's ship, The Rose Queen, is currently docked at a trusted trading post for the night. Roman himself was fast asleep but Virgil was awake. Every month, Virgil needs to replenish his water supply or else he'll turn into sea foam if it is fully drained. Attempting to be quiet as he can, Virgil went into the water

He was about to go back onto the main deck when he got grabbed with a net! Virgil yelled out Roman's name so that he can be saved, Roman heard and tried to save Virgil but it was too late. Virgil was gone

Roman immediately got angry and blamed himself for Virgil being taken away. Virgil meanwhile was getting hoisted up to a different ship. This crew looked more meaner and they kept staring at the mermaid

A voice told the crew to stop staring, the voice eventually became another pirate captain who walked to where Virgil was. They wore dark blue and black, stark contrast to Roman's red and black

Finally, after years of searching I have captured a mermaid! I'll have to know how you work so a dissection will be in order. Crew! Clean my lab, I expect cleanliness and spotless tools!

Dissection?! Can you just examine me and stuff then let me go?

My science requires a look at the inside of your species. However, if you show me where your kind lives then I'll spare you

Fine, I'll show you where I come from at dawn

Very well then, mermaid. Dawn I leave for your homeland. Janus, you're in charge of the crew

Logan then left for his quarters, leaving Virgil with Logan's crew. Janus walked up to Virgil, pulling out a knife. Virgil immediately curled himself into a ball, afraid if Janus was going to hurt him with the knife

The knife in Janus's yellow gloved hand sawed away at the net containing the captured mermaid. Janus lifted Virgil slightly, moving away the net without it tangling in Virgil's tail. Janus then lowered Virgil back into the water, making the mermaid confused

Why are you freeing me? Aren't you disobeying your captains orders?

Your kind is worth saving than killing. Knowing my younger brother, Logan will experiment on and eliminate your species in the name of his wretched science. Swim back to The Rose Queen for your own safety and the safety of the merpeople

How did you-

Could recognize my cousins pendant from a mile away. Tell him I'm planning a visit soon, he'd appreciate it

Janus referred to Virgil's necklace, a red rose with a gold crown fastened on a gold chain. Virgil nods, saying goodbye to Janus. He started to swim back to The Rose Queen

Virgil eventually found The Rose Queen, the crew looked worried on the main deck and an angry Roman could be heard from his quarters. Virgil got help back on the ship from his friend Patton, the only member of the crew who knows about Virgil's secret

Virgil walked to Romans quarters, knocking on the door. Something was thrown at the door, glass shattered and liquid spilled onto the wooden planks. A putrid stench filled the air quickly, a very bad batch of ale. Everyone closed their noses and waved their hands so that the smell can get aired out

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