-Human Again-

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Will I get to see him this morning? Will I get to see the gifts he brings me? Those beautiful flowers he picks for me, roses. Those bright red roses adorn the outside of my cave

My cave, the place I was forced to hide in. I was turned into this...monster and had no choice but to be concealed from the world

The other royals like myself believed that I have been slain by the beast I was transformed into, the other creatures shunned me and now track me down just to "get rid of the disgrace"

All but one hunt for me. He is the only one who wasn't scared, he sees me for the human I was and who I am inside. He was brave enough to come back after finding me, patching up the now healing wounds I had before I was the form I take

I never breathe my burning breath at him, not once had gave him a scratch on his pale cheek, didn't create rough patches on his hands when he felt my scales, and I will never tear him apart with my extremely sharp teeth

He is learning how to change me back into the Prince I was before, every night he tries to make potions and liquids to help return me to my human body

As a thank you, I protect him from all the monsters he has. Use my burning breath, claws, rough scales, and sharp teeth to destroy everything that plagues him. I know that he greatly appreciates the favor

Unfortunately, I can't communicate with him. My melodic voice became only but animalistic sounds, he giggles at my attempts to speak which end up in annoyed roars. Instead I use my claws to talk  by scratching them into dirt or rocky surfaces, he said that I looked handsome when I showed him a portrait of my human self

He will be arriving soon, I waited in the place he first found me. Soon enough, he came, holding a bundle of roses and a basket. I have always seen him in pants but today, he was in a skirt. I loved him in it

He looked beautiful with the sun streaming behind him, he looked angelic as he walked up towards my large body. I got presented with the roses like every meeting we have. I poked at the basket with a claw

He giggled and showed me inside the basket. It was...my crown!! He told me that my family castle has unfortunately fell to ruins due to war. My now old room stayed intact miraculously despite there is dust over everything inside. He found my crown and wanted to give it back

He was about to place it in my hand when I fell to the ground, something sharp was pierced into my back. Nets were pinning me down on the ground, rendering me immobile

I recognized the voices who struck me, it was my Court!! My advisor Logan was on a horse, overseeing it all, the Captains of the Guard Patton and Janus made sure that the spear went deeper into my scaled body, finally he was talking to my brother Remus who was next in line after me

Remus then realized who he struck down, stopping production. He said that his potion was finally made correctly, he splashed it on me since I was injured

Everything went black for a moment then I heard his voice, that beautiful voice

Ro, Roman, you're going to be alright. You just blacked out because of my potions effects. Can you hear me? Can you remember me? It's me, Virgil, the one who gives you roses and was the one who patched you up. Don't give up now, you're the most bravest and most handsomest person I've ever known, Roman. I love you

I woke up in a soft bed, feeling warmth on my chest. My eyes shot open, seeing a wooden ceiling. The wall was also wood, so was the bed and everything the house made of was wood. I look down, seeing the smaller body of Virgil

Here he was, in my arms. Arms? I was a monster, I was scaled and forced to hide from the world. I look further, seeing familiar tan skin. I reach up to my head, feeling hair rather than sharp points. My hands weren't clawed and my teeth was less sharp

I was a human again

Virgil then woke up, seeing me as a human for the first time. He bombarded me with kisses, relieved and happy that his potion worked. I smile, looking into the eyes of Virgil for the first time back as a human. We stare into each other's eyes for what it seemed like an eternity

I gently pull him closer, vowing the same things I did in return as a thank you for healing me when I was a beast. Virgil smiled and laid us back down on his bed, wanting more sleep since it was too early

I place Virgil's head on my heart, where it belongs before drifting off the first sleep as a human again

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