-Different Moments-

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The Target was almost closing but Roman and Virgil didn't care. They decided to have a late night grocery shopping spree and so we now see the chaos unfold. Virgil kept bumping into strangers while Roman had a whole line of girls following him. Then Virgil bumped into yet another stranger, he was about to say sorry when he recognized his boyfriend. Virgil kissed Romans cheek to make the girls go away. They then paid for their groceries and left the store


The revolving door swished as the newlyweds went into their honeymoon hotel. Virgil grabbed onto Romans hand and basically dragged him to the elevator. Roman chuckled at Virgil's playfulness and soon the sound of generic elevator music filled the small space until they heard a ding. The doors opened and Roman got dragged to their room, the key card buzzed and flashed green to give them access. The couple then flopped onto their bed, tired after a long day


It was a nice day in Spring. Roman planned a picnic in a field for an afternoon spent with his boyfriend Virgil. They shared food in a classic wicker basket and then laid down on the red and white checkerboard blanket to watch the cotton candy clouds go across the beautiful bright blue sky. It was perfect


Crickets chirped and Owls hooted while Virgil sat on the roof. This was a typical thing to do when he couldn't sleep, he would stargaze. Then someone else came with a bottle and 2 glasses. It was his boyfriend Roman, who brought along champagne. He poured himself a glass and then gave the other one to Virgil who took it. They clinked their glasses and continued to stargaze


Virgil and Roman were bored. They recently moved into a new apartment as a couple and still had no idea how to fix their washer. Virgil then dug around his art supplies case and pulled out a marker specifically for body art and in this case, hand art. Virgil started to create designs and patterns on his right arm. He heard the T.V turn off to see Roman stare in wonder. He then offered to draw on Romans left arm. He accepted


Ah 2020. The year where people thought that good things were going to continue from 2019. Until it didn't. The pandemic started which made everything shut down. Then it turned into good things but at home. Sourdough got made from scratch, annual Mario Kart tournaments, zooming friends or colleges, and ordering online were just some of the things Roman and Virgil thought about while on their balcony, watching as the world ends


The couple left the restaurant. They finished up their meet-up with friends which happened every year. It was raining but Virgil didn't care. Spotting a puddle, he immediately ran over and started to jump into it. He giggled as he jumped into more puddles. Roman smiled and waited for Virgil to finish. They grabbed hands and hailed for a taxi to take them both home


Here it is. The annual Bubble Gum War. The rules are simple. Make the biggest bubble you can before it pops. The Winner gets to choose the movie choice later tonight. On your marks. Get set. Blow!!! Roman got an early start, but Virgil started to catch up. The battle was intense. Virgil was winning, now Roman was winning. Then, POP!! Roman was defeated


The park down the road had the absolute best tree for climbing. Once arriving, Virgil sprinted to it and immediately was sitting on a branch. Roman then carefully followed, sitting next to his boyfriend. They then chatted about buying groceries late at night, having a Bubble Gum war, flopping onto their hotel bed after a long day, and trying to fix their washer while watching the sunset up in the tree


The bell clanged as Roman and Virgil walked into the coffee shop. It was cold and snowy, which is new for them since they live in Florida. They were visiting friends like they do every year and wasn't used to the climate of where they live. Virgil claimed a table and Roman ordered for them, later sitting across from his fiancé. Virgil's ring sparkled in the light as he picked up his cup. The couple clinked their mugs and sipped their drinks


Roman and Virgil was having a lazy day. After finally fixing their washer, they celebrated by having champagne on the roof since Virgil does that when he can't sleep. Speaking of Virgil, his head started to roll over to the side. It then landed on Romans shoulder. Roman kissed his forehead and thought about lots of things they did. Like how he planned a picnic and cloud watching or watching Virgil giggle as he jumped in puddles, normal things to reflect on. Roman then wrapped themselves up in a nearby blanket, smiling

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