-One Rose-

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Roman sits in a chair, holding a rose. There are people here and there in the room, some sitting, some walking, and some going down floors until his name got called

Roman followed a woman in a sharp, clean, lab coat who smells of rubbing alcohol to a room labeled 419, being gestured inside

Roman slowly opened up the door, seeing his love Virgil laying on a bed with smoke on his face and arms, around his mouth was a breathing ventilator

Virgil got caught in a house fire after his apartments boiler room had faulty wiring, he saved his important items but it made him get smoke in his lungs. It wasn't enough to kill him but he got rushed to the nearest hospital to get him treated

Roman canceled all of his original plans and even took off time of work so that he can visit during those hours. Every time, Roman brought a single rose to be placed in a vase in the room. They represented the number of days when Virgil was in the hospital

So here we are now, Roman placed the rose in a vase in Virgil's room, never leaving his side until visiting hours were over for the day. He keeps hoping that Virgil gets better when he goes to the hospital to visit

Roman held Virgil's hand the entire time, saying that he loves him so much. Doctors and Nurses occasionally went into the room to check Virgil's vitals and ask Roman questions

When Roman received any bad news from Doctors or Nurses, he would strike himself using a sharp thorn from the Rose in the vase, quickly bandaging it to not draw suspicion and to help treat it

There are currently 211 Roses in the vase when Roman left, hoping that tomorrow would be Virgil's last day in the hospital

Roman was correct, he didn't see Virgil in his room at first but he put the Rose in the vase nevertheless. Roman started to worry if Virgil was doing worse, as he was about to put a thorn down on his arm, the door opened revealing Virgil

Virgil ran towards Roman, giving him a very big hug. Roman smiled and hugged him back, later putting him down. Virgil got presented with the Roses, getting told that they all represent one day in the hospital

Virgil loved them, walking to Romans car so that he can be driven to Romans house where he is now going to stay. Virgil placed the vase of 212 Roses on the coffee table, smiling at them

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