-Mystery Incorporated-

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Mystery Incorporated: A gang of 4 sleuths with a penchant for solving. Roman Jones, the leader who loves traps and Virgil Blake. Virgil Blake, a bit clumsy but independent. Logan Dinkley, the brain who tends to loose his glasses a lot. Patton Rogers, loyal and friendly who loves food.

Crystal Cove, the most haunted place in America. The perfect location for the gang since it's their hometown. The locals say that there's a curse on Crystal Cove which is causing all the strange anomalies that the gang has debunked over the years. Their newest case is no exception

Roman Jones, as mentioned before, lost something very special to him. It was his engagement ring that he was going to propose to Virgil with but it got stolen as it was being made. Of course being a sleuth, Roman suspects foul play especially among people dressing in rubber masks and costumes

After school, Roman calls the gang over for a meeting at K-Ghoul, Crystal Coves radio station owned and operated by Remus Jones who is Roman's brother

I got robbed of something very important, I suspect foul play and a mystery just waiting to be solved!

Jeepers Roman! What's missing? Your phone? Wallet? Keys?

It's a surprise but it's extremely important

And expensive, Roman. I was with you when it was purchased, remember? Your bank became almost broken

Yeah I know. Spending all that money was now pointless. I can't replace it since it was very pricey and it was the last one of it

But Roman, we can always do what we do best which is to find who stole your item

You're right Patton! Okay gang, head to the Mystery Machine!

A short drive to the jewelry store awaited that gang, giving them a hint about Roman's important item. The Jeweler had a handkerchief sticking out from their pocket, it was white and embroidered with a gem on it

Ah, Mr Jones! Back so soon? Did you not like the r-

Thing! Yes I did but I got word that it was stolen as it was being made. Did you know anyone who could have been the culprit?

No, not off the top of my head

When did it get stolen?

Approximately last night, my apartment has security camera monitors for down here. I was checking it before I went to bed and I saw someone break in and take my precious jewelry

Was the shop locked? Were the cases locked?

Yes, Mr Dinkley. What Mr Jones wanted was in this case below the register and counter but as you can see, the glass is broken. The culprit definitely had something with them in order to break inside the case. As for the door, I found a lock pickers tool near the entrance

The Jeweler gave Logan the tool used to pick the lock. It was a Swiss Army Knife, specifically a stick with a point about the size of a wooden toothpick. That's exactly what it was, except it was metal instead. Logan placed the Swiss Army Knife in his pocket, saving it for examination after talking to the Jeweler

Anything else we should know?

Yes, my assistant William runs the shop when I'm not here especially at night. Only we have access locking and unlocking the door due to having keys

The Gang say goodbye to the Jeweler after their talk and return to the Mystery Machine. Logan examines the Swiss Army knife, it was contained in a small drawstring bag used to hold jewelry. Logan recognizes the logo on the bag from Janus's Pawn Shop, a hotspot for items that are being sold in Crystal Cove

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