-Knights vs Kings-

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Ro, he'll find out about us together

No he won't, Corazon, we're deep in the woods near my mothers lake. And besides, Logan can hide us with his magic

Ro, I do have a bad feeling about Arthur catching us. You're powerless against his wrath despite being Sir Roman de Lac, a Knight of the Round Table, My champion and True Love. I am too despite being married to him, I have no choice but to stay at Camelot with him

But he's terrible to you, sure he may be this guy who was only famous for getting Excalibur out of that stone but his heart has gone mad with darkness and power along with fame and recognition. You rule Camelot too, shouldn't you be the judge of running away with me?

You're right Ro, I will make this decision instead of staying here. I will run away with you

Sir Roman got so excited, he picked up Virgil by his waist and spun him around happily. Then Virgil realized something

Ro, where are we going to go? How are we running away? Is this going to work? Are we going to get caught? Will we be killed or executed? Will your knighthood be stripped away from you? What will the people think?

Sir Roman sensed that Virgil's anxiety had started to kick in but he had everything already planned and worked out

Corazon, everything is all set. I found this abandoned castle far far away from Camelot where we'll live in and be safe and sound. I'll treat you like the Queen Arthur didn't bother doing, my heart is always filled with love for you, forever and always

Virgil nods his head and leans against Sir Roman, feeling his heartbeat to prove that he isn't lying about his plan

When are we running away?

Tonight, I already packed our bags so all we need to do is water travel

Wait water travel?

Perks of being the son of The Lady of the Lake

Sir Roman handed Virgil a bag full of his things like clothes and his makeup, a second held his personal belongings and other various necessities

Sir Roman also has 2 bags containing both things and personal belongings

They walked to an edge of The Lady's Lake

To water travel, we're going to have to chant something together and make a quick sacrifice. Lucky us, we're far but not too much from your former husbands castle

What type of sacrifice are we talking about here?

Mother is a big shiny person so any piece of jewelry will do

Virgil searches for a piece of jewelry until he spotted the ring from when he was hitched to Arthur. Now since he's running away with his True Love Sir Roman, he doesn't need it anymore

Perfect! You really don't need it anymore so it's a good sacrifice

When should I chuck it into your Moms holy water?

At the beginning before we start the chant. Before we do, are you certain that you want to run away with me?

Yes, a million times, yes

Alright Corazon, just making sure. Now, throw in the ring you don't need anymore

Virgil did, it made a plopping sound for a hot second and then it sunk to the bottom

Roman and Virgil joined hands and started the chant to water travel

Spirit of Water, rivers, and lakes
Your power dissolves and releases
Purifies and heals
Peaceful but mighty, lifeblood of the Earth
Ocean of perfection
Flowing calm and meek
Let the murmur of clear waters send us
To a haven of peace
Wash away all pain, all doubts and sorrow
Spirit of Water, Spirit of nourishment
We call you now

The Lake glows a brilliant light blue, knowing that The Lady received the sacrifice and heard the chant. Her watery hands grab her Son and Son in Law, bringing them underneath the surface

After a good 30 seconds, Sir Roman and Virgil were on an island dry and warm

Thank you Mother!

The Lady's watery hand waved goodbye and signed your welcome to her son

Where are we?

Welcome to Invisible Island, Corazon

I've never heard of anything like this

It was a normal Island up until Logan and his wizard boyfriend Remus used their magic to turn it Invisible to everyone but us and themselves

So that means that we're safe?

We are safe, Corazon

Sir Roman picked up Virgil by his waist again and spun him around, the couple were now free from Arthur finding out about their romance

We have an abandoned castle to explore, but its late and I'm sure that My Queen needs his beauty rest

Virgil nods, his eyes and body are beginning to get heavy in tiredness. Sir Roman smiled and brought them into their new forever home, he walked for some time until he found the Royalty Suite, the biggest bedroom in the castle, perfect for the couple

Virgil had to be woken up to get dressed into clothing better for sleeping in. Instead of his own, Virgil stole Sir Romans chemise which is basically a medieval long sleeved shirt for men but a dress for women most typically worn as undergarments or in Virgil's case, to sleep in

Sir Roman chuckled as Virgil flapped the sleeves, it was oversized on him. Virgil didn't mind though and Sir Roman kept thinking that his love looks adorable in it

Do you want this back or-

You can keep it, I have more in my bag

Virgil nods his head and looked into Sir Romans bag, seeing no spare chemises

Virgil grabbed Sir Romans hand and lead him to the bag, Virgil gave Sir Roman a confused look on his face

Oh, I remembered that the rest of mine got muddy, dirty, and stained from my journey to retrieve the Holy Grail while crossing the Bridge of Death. You can still keep it though, I prefer no chemise

Virgil nods and yawns like a kitten, Sir Roman picked him up and gently placed him on their new, soft, comfortable, and warm bed. Sir Roman blew out the remaining candles not before lighting one to see where he was going.

He lit the fireplace in their Suite to make them more warm during the night. Sir Roman safely guarded it and added some more pre-chopped wood before deeming it to burn when the moon is high and the stars are shining

Sir Roman got into bed and blew out his hand-held candle, once he was done, he placed it back on his nightstand and tucked in Virgil so that he is now under the blankets. Sir Roman tried his very best to not wake up Virgil again while moving him so that Virgil's on top of Sir Romans chest

Virgil could feel that he's in Sir Romans arms so he wrapped his arms around his waist, basically like giving him a hug but in his sleep. Sir Roman did the same thing, making sure that Virgil is safe in his arms

Sir Roman kissed Virgil's head before falling asleep, ready to start his new life with his love

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