-Sick on a Special Day-

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The sun shines through the window, my eyes open but quickly close. Weird, typically I'm a morning person in contrast to Virgil who is strangely out of bed. All of a sudden, I feel very hot so I take my blankets off me

I slowly walk to the bathroom, feeling woozy like I'm about to pass out. Looking in the mirror, my eyes are now bloodshot and my face is super pale. I confirmed that my forehead is burning after I touched it. My wooziness started to be more prominent so I attempted to walk back to my room, I eventually fell with my carpet acting as a soft surface to land on

I hear Virgil's voice as I woke up, now feeling the familiar touch of my bed which is weird because if I remember correctly, I passed out on my carpet

What's going on...?

Good, you're awake. Happy Birthday, Ro! Unfortunately, you are sick. Hopefully Logan will figure out why but in the meantime, it's my responsibility to take care of you

Have I ever told you that you're beautiful...like really really beautiful

Oh yay, you're delirious and out of it, makes sense since you look woozy. You tell me that I'm beautiful pretty much every day, Ro. Why do you, anyway? I mean, compared to you, I don't look good but you're like the epitome of handsomeness

Talking bad about you is bad...you're really really beautiful

Thanks but you need to snap out of woozyland, I'll just place this wet towel on your forehead after I take your temperature and you should be set. All you need to do now is sleep, along with eating and drinking, stuff like that

Virgil took my temp, saying that the number was in the 103 degree range. He snapped, changing me into a loose red t-shirt but kept my red fluffy pajama pants. Virgil snapped again, making my room cooler. He summoned water bottles and placed them on the bedside table. A wet towel got draped over my forehead

I fell back asleep shortly afterwards. Waking up for a second time, my eyes were met with presents since today is my birthday.

The first came from Patton, it was a new set of art supplies since Remus either stole or ate the ones I previously used. The second came from Logan, being a sword sharpener. Janus gave me a card, rude. Remus gave me a dartboard with my face taped on it, but a crudely drawn mustache was scribbled on. I presumed that Remus didn't get me a gift so he got this off his wall since there's multiple knife and mace dents on it. Finally, Virgil gave me a new bottle of my rose and cherry scented perfume since I caught Remus drinking my previous bottle last week

I smiled and internally thanked them all, planning to say thanks. I then fall back asleep so that I can get better

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