-Uncle JJ's babysitting adventure-

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I have to watch the child of my friends Roman and Virgil. I was their last choice since Logan and Remus were on their anniversary trip and Remy was off doing his coffee recipe book tour with Emile

All I know is that the child is named Thomas and he's 10 years old. I unfortunately couldn't drink on the job since I'm supposed to be responsible for the time of sitting. Don't they know I get aggravated whenever I don't have my "juice"!

I managed to be more presentable than I usually are, I am expected to be at the house by around 6:30, staying until 8:30 which is when the child is supposed to be in bed by

I consult my gold pocket watch for the time to make sure that I'm not late. 5:50 pm. I have mostly everything ready, the only thing left is to find my gloves and bowler hat

I eventually find them hiding near my radio. I put them on, grabbing my keys phone and favorite book about philosophy, heading out the door

Starting up the car, I drove to Roman and Virgil's house while playing my 1920s-1940s music alongside my "modernized" playlist Remus made for me as a birthday gift. It doesn't come in Phonograph form but rather compact, something along the lines of a Spotify playlist on my phone

I arrived at the home of Thomas, opening my car door and walking to the front door, adjusting my snake pin on my leather jacket in nervousness even though worrying is Virgil's thing

I swallowed up my fear and rang the doorbell. It got opened for me to see both Roman and Virgil

They let me in and lead me to the living room, seeing Thomas watching a cartoon on the T.V. Through the end of the theme song, I found out he was watching Avatar the last Airbender
The child waved bye to his parents when they left the house

Finding the remote, I managed to turn off the blasted box. We were quiet so I pulled out my book on philosophy

Specifically, it was about Immanuel Kant. He touches on Ethics and Lying, one of which I enjoy, the other not so much. Although he says that lying is morally wrong, I like the book regardless

I am feeling slightly aggravated because of not having my "juice", I think Thomas sensed that and went to pour me a glass of water in a glass with painted on yellow snakes

I knew that Virgil has been recently painting on their plain glasses, having symbols and other things that their friends like as some sort of personalization

I accepted the drink, trying to give a smile to Thomas to show that I appreciated the gesture. He stared at me for a minute, here am I hoping that he doesn't say anything bad about my face

Your scaley tattoos are cool

Oh, uh, thank you

I clearly was being awkward since I'm not really a child loving person

I don't think that dinner was provided, since you are on the younger side then stove is a no for you. The most easy thing and children friendly option would be ordering a pizza. You are good with that?

The child just nods his head, still clearly mesmerized by my "cool tattoos"

Pizza got ordered so all we had to do was wait. The bell rang so I headed to the front door, seeing someone familiar delivering the food


JJ! Oh my gosh it's you! I haven't seen you in a bit, what's going on?

I have been tasked with taking care of a child by myself, I ordered the pizza for dinner, self explanatory

Oo that's fun! Maybe we can set some time to catch up? Take a walk in the park, climb trees?

That sounds uh fun

I tried to not blush but failed

Ok, can't wait! See you then!

My totally not crush gave me the pizza and I shut the door behind me

Ooo looks like Uncle JJ's got a crush~

Well, a little birdie told me that a certain child in the room has a crush for someone named Nico

Now it was Thomas's turn to blush

We ate the pizza, occasionally swapping stories about random things. I told Thomas about what was life like with his parents when I met them at the start of sophomore year

The child told me about what's happening at school, recently he auditioned for Into The Woods junior and is hoping to be cast as the Baker

I washed the dishes and noticed that Thomas was getting a bit tired, looking at my pocket watch I saw 8:25 pm. Perfect timing

I took him upstairs and left him for a minute so that the child could get dressed. Then I was let back in, trying my best to "tuck him in"

I read Thomas a bedtime story called A Wrinkle In Time because he's a child and who wouldn't want to do some reading before bed

One thing I did notice in Thomas's bed is a familiar stuffed rabbit, Virgil's stuffed rabbit he would carry around every where. It acted as a security blanket, calming down his bursts of anxiety in an instant. I believe that the name was Mrs Fluffybottom

I haven't seen Mrs Fluffybottom since sophomore year, doesn't Virgil still need her?

Papa gave her to me, Dad helps him during his storms now. She will always be there to protect me and Papa from evil DragonWitches and anything bad


The Bravest Prince of them all Prince Roman slays her to rescue the Princess Virgil!

What does your Dad help your Papa with again?

It's kinda hard for me to pronounce but Papa has these storms that make him scared. He curls up in a ball and hides in a corner, Dad is able to stop them but then afterwards he gets to take a nap because his energy is gone

Do you know what causes the storms?

Anything medical related, loud noises and large crowds

The storms your Papa can get is called Anxiety, when he gets very scared then he does what you said

Anxiety, ooh that's what the word was

He yawns which is a sign for me to go

I'm getting tired, goodnight Uncle JJ

Goodnight, Thomas

I flipped the bedroom switch off and closed the door, hoping that Virgil and Roman could let me watch Thomas again

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