-Apocalypse 1-

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Roman Alpha wakes up, his stomach growling with hunger. Climbing a multitude of ladders after grabbing a sword, baseball bat, and a large backpack, he leaves the bunker in search for some freshly killed breakfast

COVID Omega has ravaged the world since its variant has been discovered by former scientist Logan Sigma and his former assistant Patton Gamma

It has become so strong that the Earth has been forced to be abandoned, causing the terrain to become a wasteland full of sick zombies infected with the virus running around the empty streets. It has also forced those not infected to live underground

Both scientists have joined Romans side, where they live safely in a bunker. They later took in a boy on the run, Virgil Omicron, who Roman struck up a romance with

Logan and Patton have invented a mask capable to block out the virus, especially important for these times. Roman placed it over his mouth and nose before leaving the bunker

While out searching, Roman spots something in the dirt. He cleans it off, revealing a remnant of life before COVID Omega. A Pride Flag with Stonewall 1969 written in black ink

Roman puts it in his backpack, walking while his stomach longs for any food. Then, he heard it. A distant growing. Zombies. Roman wielded his sword, ready for battle

The infected limped and dragged over to him. Roman could see one have a recognizable hairstyle, it reminded him of a beehive. Another had on a ripped shirt with a swooshing check mark while a third had on a full on suit but is now stained with blood and dirt

The three infected inches over, making a circle around him. Roman swiftly spun, holding his blade correctly as to decapitate his enemies with a single move

Roman kept on trekking, eventually reaching an abandoned mall. He recognized it, despite some of the stores being different from when he was there last time. One store was prominent. Granted, the food wasn't his favorite but it was always recognizable

The lights have been either smashed or on the verge of burning out. The large K responsible for the beginning of the stand title is now on the floor, lying dormant. The Carrot and it's Crown has been graffitied on one too many times, Roman could make out gibberish or curses among the mess of artistic words

As he walked through the sea of broken food court tables and chairs, Roman heard a set of footsteps on the always dirty tiled linoleum floors of a typical mall. He stopped in his tracks, eventually pushing the feeling away

Roman then searched around the food stalls for anything fresh, until score!! He found cans full of meat and seafood, Roman dug around and eventually found salt, dried herbs and spices, and olive oil. He placed them all in his backpack

Roman then reached the not moving escalator, going up it like any staircase. Finding a Bath and Bodyworks, he smashed a window with his baseball bat to get inside. He stole toiletries from its abandoned shelves, heading out the mall by the same way he came

He eventually returned to the bunker, heading down ladders until he reached his room. Roman smiled, finding Virgil asleep under a patchwork blanket. The group had three of them so there was no need for sharing each night

Roman ran a hand through Virgil's cheaply made purple dyed hair. The can Virgil used had clear signs of poor quality and was almost expired. Their relationship is still going strong after 3 years and Roman is thinking of proposing, or at least find some jewelry to give Virgil. Either that or he can scavenge the wasteland for any scraps of loot

Virgil's eyes began to flutter open, seeing the face of his boyfriend

Hey Ro, good morning

Good morning, Mariposa

Roman brushed back Virgil's bangs, kissing his forehead so that he doesn't get dye in his mouth. Both of their stomachs growled for any food, so Roman held up his backpack

Ro, you always go hunting this early

Sorry, but I finally found us something good to eat. I found an abandoned mall that I used to go to before Omega. And on my way there, I recovered this treasure

Roman unfurled the Stonewall Flag

You found that in the desert?


Roman hung it up using rusty hooks bolted against the wall

Nice place to put it, Ro

Thank you, Mariposa. I also managed to find food so we'll not go hungry

Virgil nods, trying to shake off the sleepiness. They were then greeted by Patton and Logan who made them all breakfast

As they were eating, they heard a banging. Zombies were at the bunkers hatch door trying to get in

All 4 bunk mates put on their special masks in case they got in, they also were armed. Roman heard fighting from the surface and opened the hatch door to see the Zombies dead

He spotted a person in the shadows, the spiked weapon dripping with Zombie Flesh. The person looked very familiar, almost identical to Roman


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