-The Chosen One-

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The Chosen One of Storms, they kept calling him. The person who would save them all. Too bad for the village, he already sided with his True Love, The Rose Prince

Virgil didn't want to be chosen to kill Roman. They have created a strong bond of love instead of hate. He keeps getting put under pressure from his family, especially his father

Virgil's Father was a ruthless man. He is responsible for the attack on the Rose Territory 8 years prior when Virgil was 11. Romans Land was invaded. Virgil's Father takes pride on what he did all those years ago, saying that it was a noble thing to do to protect the village

His Father was hoping that Virgil would follow in his "noble footsteps" to stop the Rose Prince from getting revenge by killing him using the most prized possession in his family. A sword dating back from the founding of the village, ironically there are roses engraved onto it

Instead, Virgil defied him by fleeing to his True Loves rightful land and became the Rose Princess. The 2 wed in a small ceremony but vowed to stay safe together here in their castle

In another act of defiance, Virgil took the prized sword and gave it to Roman after finding out that his original one was unfortunately shattered during training

Now The Rose Prince and Princess live happily but are unaware that Virgil's Father is planning a seize to remind Virgil of his unwanted destiny to kill Roman and to relieve his glory days

Roman looked over at his sleeping Virgil, he kept having terrible nightmares plaguing him about his Fathers attack being planned. Roman kept hearing Virgil say that he's safe here with Roman under his breath

He kept looking at Virgil's old scars all over his arms, the terrible punishment for refusing the "noble responsibility" his Father put on him. The Rose Prince thought about kissing away all of them

Then he thought about Virgil's connection to Storms which is ironic since his Princess is terrified of them. Instead the thought of purple butterflies flying around him seemed to make the storms pass on, so now Roman thinks of butterflies when with Virgil

Speaking about Virgil, he started to toss and turn, beginning to fall onto the floor at some point. Roman sprung into Comforting Action, catching Virgil bridal style when he was about to be on the floor. That woke him up and Roman sat on their bed with Virgil still in his arms

Ro, my terrible father's coming back. I can feel it. He still wants me to kill you which I refuse to carry out. What should we do when his attack happens?

I can oversee that our army is prepared for the attack. You can oversee the weapons department since you know what materials work best for fighting

Ok, we can look like the castle is empty. We'll leave the gates open and the doors unlocked. My father will think that he won but in actuality we'll do a surprise attack

That's perfect! We can start immediately since we don't know when the attack is going to be

A knock was heard from their door, it opened revealing the head of the household Janus or JJ for short

Your Royal Highnesses, time for breakfast

Thank you JJ, our kingdom has a big problem right now. We're going to need you to tell everyone in the castle to know and prepare

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