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Suggested by IAmTheRatBoi
I changed up the AU, if that's ok -The Author

Dear Remus

I'm sorry but I have to reject your proposal. We were never meant to be, ever since you started hanging around with that Janus guy. I also have something to get off my chest...during our time together as boyfriends, I've been sneaking behind your back, and started a healthy relationship with your brother

Everything you started with Janus scared me, and you began to get angry at me, demanding things after I didn't bring it to you quickly. I counted a total of 30 bottles of absinthe while getting the trash thrown into the landfill

You continued getting angry at me, but began to just lounge about the house while I, and only I do the chores. Then you would make fun of me for getting dirty when you yourself smell horribly

The final straw was when you would keep me away from my valuables and wouldn't let me leave the house except when it was market day. I then realized that this relationship became dangerous and scary when you gave me a black eye. At night, I would slip out of the house and head over to the one person who cares anymore

It was your brother, he actually comforted me instead of leaving me alone. He helped take care of me when I got injured from you, he was lucky that he owns an apothecary. We loved one another in secret, away from your eyes. We're still together at the time of me writing this, now here he is bringing me a cup of lavender tea

Here are the things I leave behind included with this letter:
-My keys to your house
-The ring I can't wear

Goodbye, Remus
Sincerely yours, Virgil

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