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Caw! Caw! Caw!
Crash! Crash Crash!

The blazing hot sun has been streaming down on me for who knows how long. I am alone, on an island, with only the birds and ocean around me

I was abandoned here, with no explanation

Last time I checked, I was supposed to be on a boat with a famous hero named Logan after he defeated the Minotaur

He just left me here

I have no clean water to drink, one outfit, probably no food on this island, and 0 shelter. I'm going to die a mediocre death then get shipped off to The Underworld. Is Logan ever going to come back or was this the end?

Probably by now, he's showing off the head of the Minotaur to my father for fame and glory. Just so that he can get recognition for one thing that he did, and I wasn't there to celebrate his achievement

The only thing I did was give him string to find his way, that's it! Nothing else! My myth has come to an end, there's probably no other reason to keep it going anyway

Until, I felt like that I was being watched. I looked all around, seeing Forest Green Eyes. Then someone emerged from their hiding spot, A Greek God was watching me which is creepy

I immediately ran away, praying that he wasn't here to have a one night stand and then abandon me again

Since being a God, he caught up to me quickly. I immediately recognized him, it was Roman, the God of Wine, Festivity, Madness, Parties, and Theater

You're only here to have a one night stand with me right? Then you're going to abandon me like this, all alone with nobody?

No, not at all. I saw you get abandoned by that jerkface people call a hero, I'm here to rescue you

But-You're an Olympian, normally they don't really care for mortals. Occasionally they'll help royalty or they'll have a one night stand to create more Demigods

Well yeah, you're right we can do that, but we're busy with stuff back on Olympus so mortal stuff is basically a one and done situation

Aren't you all One Big Disfunctual Family?

Yeah...it's kinda hard to gloss over any details to compare us to a Disfunctual Family

Anyway, you're here to rescue me?

You're correct, I've been pretty bored lately with my cult and the whole wine thing so I traveled Greece until I got kidnapped by Pirates. They didn't recognize me so they thought that I was a Prince. Naturally I covered the ship with grape vines, made them go insane, and then turn them into dolphins. Afterwards I found you here on the island being abandoned and decided to rescue you

Oh uh thank you

You're welcome, so where do you want me to drop you off?

How about we just fly over Greece but don't land on Crete

Why not Crete?

It's my Fathers land and it's probably where Logan is now. I don't want to associate myself with him after he abandoned me here

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