-Would you like to dance?-

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Thanks Pinterest

It's been a few hours

Princey was most definitely planning something romantic as like a night to ourselves kind of thing

My anxiety will be spiking if I am standing here in Romans castle for the entire time with my eyes being bound by a blindfold

Then the grandfather clock struck 12 midnight, my blindfold finally got taken off

In front of me were 2 large double doors, matching both the Imagination and Romans room door with its white paint job and elegant golden swirl things

They opened up in sync on its own like a haunted house. It revealed a large ballroom, there in the middle of it all was Roman. All around him were many dancing couples

He was in his current prince outfit but more upgraded for formal events and stuff. In his hand was a red rose, here am I being cliche and the flower will most likely be placed in my hair

Roman stuck out an arm, like he's presenting me. I rolled my eyes playfully and walked through the doors

I reached the middle and I knew it, Roman put the rose in my hair. The music started up for a formal dance, I don't know what type though

Would you like to dance?

Roman... I don't know how

I blushed in embarrassment and looked down at the elaborate dance floor. Then my head got lifted up by Romans hand, well fingers

It's perfectly alright, Corazon

But wouldn't everyone else be laughing at my non existent dancing skills..?

Virgil it's-

My anxiety spiked up more, now my head is making me flash scenes of the dancers laughing at me. Their soulless eyes stared as their mouths erupted with the sounds of giggles and chuckles. Gloved hands pointed at me and I was caught in the middle of the entire thing. I couldn't hear what Roman was saying for the entire time as my mind clouded with thoughts of humiliation

The faint sound of lightning crackling started above my head, an attack was beginning to form. I stepped backwards, interrupting the dancers rhythm as I ran out of the room

I ran until my legs gave out, collapsing on the dark green grass since it's late and past midnight. The lightning went away, good. I'm pretty sure that I'm really far away from Romans castle, it's too dark right now to recognize any landmarks of the Imagination. I felt around until I touched a stone object rooted in the ground. Guess that I'm in the cemetery to remember the Vine Era

My eyes started to feel heavy so I reluctantly fell asleep in a cemetery, completely normal

In the morning, I opened up my eyes to bright white everywhere. I panicked! at the disco and freaked out since the Imagination is gone. Then I remembered that this is how it looks whenever Princey isn't here. I touched my hair and felt the rose still in it, I pulled it out and saw it wilted. I dropped it in front of where Vine Prince's grave would be for safekeeping.

I saw the door leading to the house so I stood up and walked over the exit, opening the double doors and closing it behind me once my feet touched the wood of the hallway floor

I called out a hello but heard nothing, then I figured that the rest of the gang was with Thomas either filming or doing something else

I ruled out filming since the next ASides only required Logan and Remus. Thomas's living room is a mess, let me tell you, but it's part of the episode apparently

Then they must be out with Thomas, ever since KarrotKings hit off, Thomas and Nico started having socially distanced hangouts without masks now since both have received the scary shots

Anyways, I go make myself some breakfast downstairs if Dad didn't leave a plate for me. My suspicions weren't correct as I saw leftover BooBerry Cranic Attack aka my Crofters Jam in the specially made area for the prized spread in the fridge.

On top of the jar lid was a light blue sticky note with a stormcloud drawing and a message reading For My Dark Strange Son, hopefully you'll make up with Roman. For now enjoy your Jam. Love Dad

I smiled a bit and took out the item, getting myself a spoon from the utensils drawer so that I can eat it from the jar. Logan secretly does this when he's alone and I have definite proof which I might use for blackmail. I sat down on the couch, eating the  jam by myself. I wanted to keep my mind away from last night so I went to my room, grabbing my sketchbook and a few pencils plus a sharpener. I retreated back to the couch and drew butterflies all over the page.

I was too caught up with my drawing that I didn't hear the front door open. Dad, Logan, and Roman were now home. I heard a whoosh sound so somebody must have sunk down. I heard humming and recognized the tune for Sally's Song from one of my favorite movies The Nightmare Before Christmas. I looked up from my page and saw Roman with his normal Forest Green eyes having a red outline like he was crying

I left the couch and hugged him, trying to make him feel better from last night's fiasco and knowing that I ruined his romantic night out. I felt his arms go around me, we didn't talk at all during this like this is our way of apologizing to each other

I'm sorry, Corazon. I shouldn't have planned dancing since you don't know how. Or maybe I shouldn't have other dancers in the room, maybe I shouldn't have done both

No it's my fault, my anxiety overreacted and took over. I shouldn't have left you heartbroken and alone in your own domain

He lifted my chin up with his fingers and smiled, now knowing that last night was both our faults not just one of us. I tried to smile back, until I ended up hiding my face because being all lovey-dovey isn't "my thing". I heard a snap and the smell of something fresh and sweet hit me, another rose got placed in my hair mirroring the events from last night. I got spun around and dipped which is new, then I was stood upright with Roman's fingers brushing back my bangs

Can I teach you how to dance?

My anxiety will be stressing over every little move so I'll pass, even though we hate him, JJ is a waltzer like you. You two could be box-stepping away from each-other which I could see

Ok, Corazon. It would be funny if we actually did that

I laughed at the thought of Roman and Janus having a box-step off

Why were you crying...? Your eyes have like a ring of red

Like you said, I was left alone and heartbroken in my castle. I guess dancing isnt the way to go for romantic night outs

You didn't know I couldn't and you wanted the night to be special

Well now I know to choose something else. Your rose is getting wilted

I took it out of my hair

Looks like it is, come on, I know where to put it

Roman nods and I lead him back to the Imagination, walking us to the Vine cemetery

The Vine Cemetery? Why are we here?

I placed the rose in front of Vine Prince's gravesite

There we go, for safekeeping. I'm sure he would like it

Yeah, I think that he would

I lean my head up against Romans shoulder, he leans his head on top of my own head as we watch the now rising sunset together

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