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I take off my beautifully made masquerade mask, revealing my tears. In this kingdom by the sea, whenever someone passes, the citizens wear these elaborate masks to conceal their faces. It was black, the color of death. Crow Feathers were on it and a black ribbon allowed me to tie it so it fit on my head

I sit down on the sand of a beach where me and my Love would spend all of our time together. I laid out a towel so that I don't ruin my equally black suit. The waves crashed as the sun went down

The waves
The ocean
The death
The drowning
The coldness
The loss
The tears

I lost my Love to the sea. I remember frantically searching and swimming for him under the water. He couldn't breathe ever again, sinking down and down into the depths

My melancholy has grown, the crows have decided to flock around me and leave their feathers behind to further continue my grief. Should I join him? Being dragged under the water, to reunite with my Love

I pushed that feeling down into my Tell Tale Heart, underneath the floorboards. Writing kept me sane, poems did the trick. The loss stole a piece of my sanity due to my grief, so I decided to dedicate a poem to my Love

Multiple usages of ink and Crow Feathers later, it was complete. I placed early scraps and drafts into my trash can, alongside my ex's photographs

Mother kept setting me up with women in this kingdom by the sea, all of them died early in each of our "relationships"

Elizabeth was first,
Followed by Eulalie,
Then Evangeline,
Kate Carol,
Marie Louise,
Miss Louise Olivia Hunter,
Finally there was Ulalume

Now we have my Love, following in the same footsteps as all of my faux exes. Once I publish my poem, the citizens begin to understand my grief and complete sadness

A poem, for my Love, Virgil Lee
Written by Roman Allan Poe

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