-Meeting the Parents-

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Roman and Virgil are getting married, today Roman is meeting Virgil's parents in order to get their blessing. Virgil unlocked the door to his childhood home, getting back nostalgia from growing up

Virgil grabbed Roman's hand, bringing him to the kitchen where his dad Patton is

Dad? I'm home and there's someone I'd like you to meet

Patton turned around, seeing Virgil and a nervous Roman

You must be Roman, I'm one of Virgil's dads!

Hello Sir

Roman stuck out his hand for Patton to shake but Patton immediately went for a great big bear hug

Just call me Patton, kiddo! And calm down, there's no need to be nervous

Roman nods, starting to relax

Where's Logan?

Must be in his room, studying

Thanks, bye Dad

Bye kiddos!

Virgil took Roman upstairs, stopping outside his older brothers room. Virgil knocked, earning a come in from inside. The door opened, revealing his older brother Logan studying at his desk

Greetings Virgil, who is this person standing next to you?

Hello, I'm Roman. Hopefully you heard the news that Virgil and I are getting married, I'm meeting your parents today so that we can get their blessing

Well, congratulations. Father is in his office, Virgil

Virgil nods, saying goodbye to his older brother. Virgil takes Roman to Janus's office

Papa? There's someone I'd like you to meet

Janus turns, seeing his son and Roman

I presume this is that boy you were talking about when saying that you got proposed too

Yes, can you come downstairs for a moment?

Fine, just make it quick

Virgil gathered his family to the living room

Guys, as you know, Roman and I are getting married. We would like to have your blessing


Virgil, are you sure that this boy is right for you? Are you certain that he will treat you right?

Yes. We are a perfect match and I treat Virgil with respect

What about jobs? Do you support him?

I work as a performer at a coffee shop and I'll help Virgil if he needs it at the flower shop where he works. I also do the occasional shoeshine and deliveries along with any heavy lifting at the local theater. Anything to get closer to moving out of Virgil's and my bad apartment

What about-

Janus, Roman clearly loves Virgil. Stop with the questions and give them our blessing

Fine, Patton and I give you our blessing

Roman was so happy that he hugged Virgil tight. Virgil hugged Roman back, happy that his parents gave them their blessing

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