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TW-Angsty POF Lines

He stared straight into my eyes as he said

Will you be MINE?

The gold crystal ball illuminated his glowing Forest Green Eyes full of love and desire. His fangs glistened in the moonlight

Will you become the Vampire King's bride?

I stared back at his eyes and whispered


We didn't sleep that night, my muscles ached as we finally slept. Romans arms are holding me in a protective but gentle grasp

Everywhere on my pale skin showed signs of Romans love for me, my glowing eyes opened up and I turned around to bury myself into him

I slowly started to feel sleepy again so my eyes closed, I got warmer then before as I smelled roses and cherries

I opened my eyes and looked down, seeing my Queen sleep in my arms. I smile and give Virgil a small kiss to his hair, smelling lavender from his unique purple hair

I look at both of our wedding rings. The crystal ball got shattered into small pieces and the blacksmith put the many shards into our wedding rings

I see the sun stream through a window, I reluctantly let Virgil out of my protection and find my sword to put the blinds down

I go back under the soft expensive covers, my Darling is back into my protective arms. We continue to sleep happily until I heard a knock from our large chamber double doors

I heard footsteps and rustles around the room like how the loyal is attending to me today like every morning only this time I'll be with someone for eternity instead of old flings from the past

I heard the double doors close and I opened my glowing Forest Green eyes to see 2 folded stacks of clothes on the bench in front of the bed

I whispered in my bride's ear to try to wake him up to start our morning together

Querida, wake up

He didn't stir so I rubbed his slender shoulders and featherlightly kissed his forehead

My Queens beautiful glowing Amethyst Purple and Emerald Green eyes slowly opened, I smiled and sat us upright so that Virgil was now on my lap

How are you Mi Hermosa Amour?

Happy and somewhat tired

I nod and free us from the comfortable bed, picking up my Darling bridal style. I lean down so that Virgil can get our clothes since my hands are full

Virgil got our clothes and I walked us to our bathroom for us to get dressed

I reluctantly set down my Queen so that we can get ready for today. I finish putting on my white dress shirt, buttoning it all then un buttoning 2 of them. I roll up the sleeves, stopping at my elbows. I put on my red belt and brown boots

I wait until Virgil is done and I pick him up again bridal style, walking us downstairs for breakfast

I set him down on his side of our custom double chair, I sat down next to him and our breakfast got served shortly afterwards

We ate our breakfast and I put Virgil back into my lap, getting out of our chair and walked us to the throne room. I sat down on my throne, Virgil still on my lap

We did our royal duties, I occasionally gave my Queen kisses as we ruled over our Vampire kingdom

I could catch a tune from Virgil, it was Sally's Song from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I listened to My Darling hum the song until it was over

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