-Chocolate House-

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Virgil Stacy. That's who I'm going to see so that he can help me after my recent fight against a giant lizard. Flicking my wrist, a web stuck on a wall across from me. I swung from building to building and surface to surface, repeating the same flicking motion so that I don't fall. I find Virgil's apartment, having enough strength to walk up the fire escape stairs

I eventually reach Virgil's room window, knocking on it. Virgil sees me, opening the window. He immediately gets concerned, seeing a large scratch on my chest. Virgil manages to lay me down on his bed, then goes to get proper supplies to clean my wounds

Virgil returns after a few minutes, cleaning my scratch with hydrogen peroxide which stung like mad

Ro? What happened?

I got into a fight with a giant mutant liz-

~from outside Virgil's door~
Hey Virgil? Do you want cocoa? Your Dad's making some

Virgil briefly leaves me so that he can talk to his father, Captain Janus Stacy of the Police Department

No, Papa, I do not want cocoa. Honestly, I'm 16 years old

Okay, I remembered somebody saying that his fantasy was to live in a chocolate house

Well, that's impractical. And fattening

Virgil goes back into his room for a moment to check in on me

Chocolate house

Virgil then goes back to talk to Captain Janus

Sorry Papa. I can't have cocoa right now because I'm having cramps. I feel kinda pukey and just sort of emotional. I keep crying, god it's brutal

It's bad, got it

Thanks Papa

Virgil then returns to check on me

Easy, Bug Boy

What do you just call me?

Never mind, but everyday for as long as I can remember, my papa has left every morning with a badge on his chest and a gun strapped to his hip. And for everyday, for as long as I can remember, I haven't known if he was going to make it home. Now that you're basically doing his job, he doesn't have to risk his life anymore

I sit up, opening my arms so that I can give Virgil a hug. Virgil goes into my arms, hugging me back but being careful of my wound. I kiss his hair then my attention goes back to the Lizard

I gotta stop the Lizard. I have to because I created him

What do you mean?

I gave Dr Logan Conners the equation that made his lizard mutation possible. Cross Species Genetics was something him and my dad was working on. Now I realize why he kept it a secret, this is my responsibility and I have to fix it

My mind shifts back to Virgil

Hey, let's get out of here. Let's just get out of here. Just for a minute, can we?

If Papa sees me leaving the apartment, I'm grounded Ro

He won't see us leave

I then carry Virgil as I swing to a clock tower, hastily setting up something romantic once we arrive. I then sit down across from Virgil, we make small talk as we stargaze. Before I swing us back to Virgil's apartment building, I lean in for a kiss. After pulling away, I swing a tired Virgil back to his room

I lay Virgil on his bed and was about to leave when he said that he wanted me to stay the night. I nod, laying down next to Virgil who immediately turns to cuddle me then falls asleep shortly afterwards

Smiling, I wrap my arms around him. I turn off Virgil's bedside lamp then fall asleep as well

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