-HighSchool AU-

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Suggested by sadanxiousfangirl


Another day, another time for torment

Currently I'm ignoring the stupid jerks who pick on me every day. Same routine as always

Have classes like normal but don't talk to anyone, get spat in the face with insults, go to the park and visit Papa after school, sit in my tree and wonder about disappearing, go home and ignore Dad, stay up until the devils hour, repeat

The bullies finally let me go so I walk out of school aka h e double hockey sticks and go to the park after picking up Lilies and Sunflowers

I reached the park now, I walk over to a lonely gravestone. Janus Sanders, Loving Husband and Father was engraved on it. I placed Papa's favorite flowers in front of it and talk to him

Hey Papa, it's me Virgil, your Little Stormcloud. I really don't know if you can hear me from Planet Earth but I come visit you every single day. I just miss you, I was only told that you called me Little Stormcloud by Dad and I wish you were here. I brought Lilies and Sunflowers, your favorites. Should I just disappear?

I unfortunately leave Papa and sit in my tree near the site. I ignore the world by listening to my comfort music, my thoughts tangling with the lyrics

Eventually I had to go home, shutting out Dad knocking on my door even though I locked it

Kiddo...please open the door...can we talk...?

I continued to ignore him, until the lock twisted open by virtue of a long bobby-pin. The door to my room opened, I hid under my blankets to not see Dad

Virgil, can we please talk?

My mouth refused to open


He reached out his arm, trying to take away my blankets. My bed is against the wall so I leaned back further and further against it until a thump sound was made

I have somethings belonging to your Papa. I'll let you keep them if you remove the blankets over your head

This time I didn't ignore Dad, my purple and green eyes slowly peaked out from the fabric

I followed Dad out of my room and to the basement, going down into the darkness. I was anxious but Dad turned on the lights so my anxiety didn't spike

He lead me over to a plastic Tupperware box. In black marker was the word JJ with a heart. Dad opened the lid, giving me an old timey radio and a golden pocket watch

I returned to my room and put the items formally belonging to Papa on my bedside table. My shoulder then got tapped so I turned around, seeing a rectangle up against Dad's grey cardigan sleeves. He gave me the mystery rectangle and left me alone

It was a framed photo of us all. A tiny me around 3-4 years old in an oversized black plaid hoodie. A younger looking Dad was holding me, wearing a light blue shirt with no heart logo and a plain grey cardigan compared to his cat hoodie he now sports around his shoulders. The man next to him wore a black bowler hat on his head and yellow gloves covering his hands

On the right side of his face was a cool yellow eye and a snake scale patterned tattoo on the same side. The left side had nothing special but a chocolate brown eye

Papa? This is what he looked like, we were happy when he was alive. Wish we were now

I walked downstairs, seeing Dad staring at a bottle of wine and leaning towards the kitchen counter where the breakfast bar is

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