-Keeping It Together-

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Steven Universe X Sanders Sides
Episode - Keeping It Together
Steven - Thomas
Garnet - Remy
Ruby - Roman
Sapphire - Virgil
Peridot - Janus
Amethyst - Patton
Pearl - Logan

Is the strong part of you Roman and the wise part of you Virgil?

It's all of both. When two Gems combine, it creates something greater then the sum of their parts. That's why I'm so great

What's it like to stay fused all the-Whoa

They arrive at the Kindergarten Control Room used previously by Janus. It's dark and empty, the only thing left is some dirt pillars and the broken power source

I don't know how...but this place is even creepier than the last time we were here

Yes. There's something going on

The powers not on. What was Janus doing?

It looks like he pulled something out of the walls. Something strange

A noise is heard from a dirt pillar


Remy touches the pillar, it begins to shake. Thomas and Remy start to back away

Is there...something in there?

A strange creature falling from the ceiling startles Thomas. They turn to see the creature is a red foot and blue hand stuck together by the wrist and ankle respectively. Remy holds it up


They look up and see more Gem Limbs stuck together fall from the ceiling

What are they? AAHHH!

The creature in Remy's hand crawls onto Thomas's face. Remy poofs it quickly, holding 2 gem shards in the hand with Virgil's gem

What is it? ... it looks like ... 2 gem shards stuck together

Remy grunts in disgust and throws the shards on the floor

Is that what these things are? Gems stuck together?

Remy gasps in horror as his anxiety from Virgil starts to kick in


The shaking dirt pillar from before starts to crack

What was that?

The pillar bursts open, revealing 4 forced fusion Gems into one. It's almost like a DemoDog from Stranger Things for reference. It crawls towards Remy and Thomas, the limbs grabbing Remy who is planted in fear and anxiousness, breathing agitatedly

Remy. Uh Remy. What do we do? AH!

A creature grabs onto Thomas

Please. Talk to me! Ah!

Thomas summons his shield and fends off any remaining creatures. Another limb from the Gem DemoDog knocks off Remy's sunglasses, revealing his anxious ridden face

~starts tearing up~
These were Crystal Gems, shattered into pieces, they were buried together

Why aren't you moving?

They were forced together. They were forced to fuse. This is wrong! I'm sorry. Aauugghhh!

Remy begins to separate due to both his and Virgil's anxiety over these forced fused creatures, Thomas starts to be afraid

NO! No, Remy, you're coming undone! Remy! Remy!

He pushes other creatures coming for him

Remy! Please, what's the matter! This isn't LIKE you!

Hearing Thomas's words, Remy comes back together and punches the GemoDog. He grabs onto it and forcibly rips it apart, poofing it in the process. It drops and Remy bubbles it

We did it!!

Remy remains silent, not celebrating his victory


£{Remy speaking for Roman}£
So this is what Homeworld thinks of fusion

£¥Remy speaking for Virgil¥£
We couldn't have known they would do this...

£{Remy speaking for Roman}£
This is where they've been. All the ones we couldn't find. They've been here the whole time

£¥Remy speaking for Virgil¥£
Rose couldn't have known

£{Remy speaking for Roman}£
This is punishment for the rebellion!

£¥Remy speaking for Virgil£¥
It's not our fault, Ro!


Remy sends the terror Gems to the Temple


Hey Kiddos! We're back!

Remy finds his luckily not broken sunglasses and puts them on

Remy, Patton and I have unfortunately lost Janus. His slimy scales as Patton called them were too fast for us

A creature climbs on Patton


He grabs the creature from Patton

What even are these things?

Put them down!!



Logan listens to Remy and throws the creature away from him

We need to poof and bubble all of them. We can't let any escape

He slams his fist down on the GemoDog,

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