-The Spider and The Hunter-

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Suggested by Virgil-Sister-Jinx24
This ones kinda short so it'll go by quick

Splash! My sword get dropped into the stunning lake. The landscape is beautiful, theres a waterfall and a lake with plenty of Sumire or Violets on the land

I then spot a person across from the banks, they dive into the lake and retrieve my now wet sword

Thank you, uh


Thank you for getting my sword for me, Virgil

Oh, you're welcome. Why are you here?

Im a hunter and I spotted this place while out doing my job

Makes sense, I recognized your sword uh


I kept seeing those so I recognized the profession

My horse, Tadashi clopped over and almost nudged me so that we can leave

I unfortunately have to go

Tadashi stepped backwards, like if he was afraid of Virgil

Woah, hey. Virgil isn't going to scare you. He's nice

Tadashi stepped backwards again

Welp, love has failed me. Anyway, I have to go

Are you able to come back? I get pretty lonely staying here by myself

I think I can, bye Virgil


Virgil and I met up at the waterfall pretty much every single day. Recently, he gives me a drink to have which is nice. After a while of meetings, I noticed blush on Virgil's cheeks. After telling him, I had this urge to kiss him so of course being impulsive, I went for it

He...liked it. Virgil loves me, and I love him back. Then we started to date and I started to neglect my hunting to spend time with my boyfriend

My priest friend, Janus, started to ask about where I'm going to every day.

You can come if you want, hopefully he won't mind. I'll lead you over

We walk until we reach the waterfall, seeing Virgil admiring the flowers that adorned the land

Janus, this is Virgil. Virgil, this is Janus

Bam! Priest Magic!

Poof! Virgil started to turn into a creature with 6 spider legs sticking out from his back. His purple and green eyes became 4 purple and 4 green eyes, each with his signature smudgy black substance underneath them all

Virgil's a Jorogumo?

He looked shocked, starting to step backwards and then ran away in fear. I started to get angry at Janus since he basically pushed away my love

Why in the world would you do that?! We're friends and you scared away my boyfriend?!

Oh please, Yokai and Humans can't be with eachother. The heavens simply don't allow it, it's the law Roman. You disobeyed it so you're getting arrested

He was about to bind me when I cut them with my sword, running away to find Virgil near a mountain

Virgil, why did you run away?

You saw me for who I truly am. A monster

No, you're not a monster. I still love you regardless

You do?

Of course

Virgil smiles and hugs me, spider legs and all

We're near Tengu's mountain. We can get married

But I'm not immortal

Virgil picks up a rock and throws it, I shielded myself but didn't feel anything. I then looked to see the rock behind me. It passed through me

Wait, how am I immortal?

I gave you immortality potions for you to drink

Ohhh. So we can go climb the mountain

Virgil takes my hand and we go to the peak of the mountain, seeing Tengu

Hey! Tengu! Can you marry us?

Sure thing kid, then you get off my property!!


I know pronounce you Man and Yokai

We kissed and go back to the lake, seeing Janus gone. Virgil then webs me and pulls me into the lake, smiling

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