-Meeting the Parents 2-

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Hi, Author here! This chapter includes a character having Alzheimer's Disease. The Author did research on it while writing so that they don't make stuff up, but if they painted Alzheimer's Disease in a negative light then let them know in the comments and they'll fix it!

After getting Virgil's parents blessing, Roman arranged for them to meet his mother Rosalia. However, Virgil had to work the day of the meeting. Roman's mother has a severe case of Alzheimer's Disease, seeing her whenever he can at the Elderly Center where she now lives so the visits are nothing new for him

Another thing, Roman doesn't have wedding rings yet since the money he's been paid from all his odd jobs have been going towards finding a better place for him and Virgil. Nevertheless, Roman was still excited to see Rosalia

Roman picked up some flowers at the flower shop where Virgil works, explaining what's happening before catching a bus so that he can go to the Elderly Center. Arriving, Roman went down the familiar hallways towards his mothers room

Roman opened the door, walking to Rosalia. He pulled up a chair by his mothers bed so that he could sit, giving her the bouquet of flowers, specifically Carnations and Geraniums which come from her home country of Spain

Roman smiled, taking Rosalia's hands into his and began to tell her about Virgil and their relationship

I'm getting married, Mama. You'd like Virgil, he would have come today but he had to work. But the flowers are from the shop where he works. Papa gave you Carnations and Geraniums every year on your anniversary so I wanted to continue that tradition

Roman mentioned how his father, Raphael, gifted Rosalia flowers on their anniversary. Unfortunately, Raphael passed away 3 years ago from sickness. Roman then continued about Virgil

Virgil and I are planning our wedding, but I don't have rings yet for the occasion. Currently, our money is going towards moving into a better apartment. However, a few days ago, I got Virgil's parents blessing after meeting them

Roman then pulled up a picture of himself and Virgil on his phone, showing it to Rosalia

Isn't Virgil beautiful, Mama?

Rosalia only hummed in response, her severe case of Alzheimer's made her speech very limited. Roman smiled again, happy that his mother is responding to his conversation despite her speech being limited

Eventually, Roman had to leave. He stood up after bidding Rosalia goodbye, feeling something in his hand. Typically, Roman would receive something from his mother after every visit, mostly gum wrappers or unwanted receipts left behind by the staff who take care of Rosalia. But Roman felt something more heavier in his hand

He saw 2 rings, wondering where did they come from. From the corner of his eye, Roman saw 2 small indents on Rosalia's finger. Roman carefully hugged his mother, thanking her for the rings then caught the bus back to the flower shop

Once arriving, Roman found Virgil and ran up to him, hugging his fiancée pretty tight while beginning to cry. Virgil thought that something bad happened at the visit so he asked what was wrong

Nothing's wrong, Butterfly. My Mother gave me her and my Fathers wedding rings to use as our wedding rings since our money is going towards a better apartment over wedding stuff right now

Roman said, trying to wipe away the happy tears coming down his face. He showed his parents rings to Virgil, both bands were silver and had Raphael and Rosalia's initials engraved on the inside. Rosalia's, now Virgil's ring has a simple Rose Quartz gemstone on top. Raphael's, now Roman's ring has a simple engraved pattern on top so that it isn't blank

Virgil wiped away Roman's tears then examined his wedding ring, hugging his fiancé while saying that his ring is beautiful. Roman smiled, hugging Virgil back

The two eventually moved out and into a better apartment close to the Elderly Center so they could visit Rosalia. They eventually got married on Rosalia and Raphael's anniversary, with the venue having Carnations and Geraniums. The flowers gave Roman inspiration to give Virgil a bouquet on their own anniversary, just like how his father gifted flowers for his mother

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