-The Sanders Gang as School Quotes 2-

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More Quotes from the author's best friend

Lower the computer or I'll lower your grade!


What do pop-stars do during pandemics? Social Disan-sing!


Maternal figure lasagna


Please don't stab me




Do not pay others to read it for you. Or have others pay you to spoil it. If it's above $50 then take it. If it's below $50, then read it for yourself


You're all going to jail for being mean >:(


Hollywood makes them spicy


Janus by day, epic communist by night


You seem a little bit too exited about calling me a whoreson insolent noisemaker


Hi, I'm Roman, my pronouns are he him his

Hi, I'm Patton, my pronouns are he him his

Hi, I'm Logan Sanders, I'd like to talk to you about stormwater


No, I think we're all going to present today

That's what the communists want you to believe


~repeatedly bonking Remus with a bunch of rolled up homework sheets~
This is not child abuse! This might be annoying, but this is not child abuse!


You are distracting them from the blood inside their lungs!

That's pretty distracting


When this happens in a horror movie, bad things happen


Do we want extra time to practice?

|The Rest Of The Gang In Perfect Unison|


You should sit the heck down and take a piece of paper the heck out!

Adding 'the heck' to a sentence doesn't emphasize it more



Bestie Janus, are you ready to sacrifice all the goats tonight?

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