-A Ghost Hunt-

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The ruins of a castle remain. It's stone walls crumble instead of being the prestigious palace it once was. A King and his Husband was the last to live in that castle

The King, Roman, was a noble and kind man. His regal status never got the best of him, unlike his predecessors. He was an avid swordsman and was trained to fight. He was skilled in leadership and battle-strategy, loyal to his people

His Husband, Virgil, was originally a servant who worked in the castle staff. He mainly worked in the infirmary, gaining knowledge of healing. He eventually became Romans primary caretaker whenever the King was injured from battle or training

The two grew affectionate towards eachother whenever Virgil healed Roman, which lead to them getting married and becoming shared rulers to the kingdom

Roman was called to aid into battle one day, Virgil refused to be without him so he joined as the head doctor back at camp. During the battle however, the medical tent got raided by the opposite side. Virgil tried to fend them off but unfortunately passed during the raid

Roman returned to camp, seeing a lifeless Virgil. The King grew angry, very determined to hunt down whoever killed Virgil. He rushed back onto the battlefield and took out every single remaining opponent left

His side won, but Roman suffered great loss. The King shut himself in the castle, mourning Virgil for the rest of his life. Roman changed out his vibrant bright red to somber sad black

Eventually, Roman passed as well. He had no heir to succeed afterwards, ending his dynasty and family. The castle fell to disrepair, remnants left of Roman and Virgil are now in a museum. People say that the ghost of Roman is haunting the ruins of his castle, wanting to be reunited with Virgil in the afterlife

Now here am I going on a ghost hunt for Roman. Scales and tunes from Nico's piano play in my head, it's comforting my anxiety as I track down Roman's ghost in his former castle

Thick layers of wind and fog cover the overgrown grounds, dead and dried up plants litter the brown grass. All my gear is in a backpack, I was tempted to take Nico's but I knew that he'd get mad at me for using his backpack. Flashlight in hand, I begin to clear away the fog and wind

Reaching the once grand entrance, I see a few adorable stray cats that have made the ruins a home for themselves. Taking a picture and petting every single one of them later, I began to search where Roman could be found

Mostly every location was a bust, so I climbed eroding stone stairs to where the King's chambers would be. I could hear banging then the sound of someone sobbing. That repeated as I went up the stairs

I ended up at the worn wooden double doors after a few short minutes in a hallway. Presuming that Roman was in here, I knocked first to be polite

Both the banging and sobbing stopped, I hesitantly opened the door. All the furniture was gone since it was now housed in a museum. A lone red ghost was in a corner, in his translucent hand was a sword. I take a picture of the ghost, now recognizing it as Roman

The flash of my phone got Roman's attention, he furiously floated over to me and pointed the sword at my neck. I freaked out for a moment, being startled, but remembered that Roman is dead so the sword can't hurt me. Nevertheless, I was a bit scared knowing that Roman is or was a swordsman

Who are you? What do you want?

I'm Thomas, I was just exploring and going on a ghost hunt to see if you were here, I mean no harm!

Do you know where my Butterfly is?

Unfortunately no, but we can Google it. Hopefully something comes up when I search your names

What is this Goggle?

It's Google, it's something people use nowadays to look something up. Like an advanced dictionary basically, but it doesn't just have words with definitions

I quickly type in Roman and Virgil's names, tons of articles pop up about their castle ruins and their furniture being moved to a museum

Your magic box is smart, but it's small

Roman removed the sword from my neck, starting to examine my phone like an alien would examine something foreign. I mean, he's been long dead since the Internet was a thing so he knows nothing of modern technology

I quickly put a stop to Roman testing how durable my phone is since I don't want him to crack the screen. Taking my phone back from Roman, I relieve my school days doing research as I try to help Roman find Virgil using the internet

Eventually, I found something big. A page lead me to a site saying that a company dug up the bodies from the battlefield where Virgil passed away. The company was building a hotel on the site but found the bodies while excavating. The company gave the skeletons to scientists and morticians, who then buried Virgil in the castles garden after examination and previously burying the rest elsewhere

Follow me, I know where Virgil is

I retraced my steps, stopping for a moment to pet the stray cats in the once grand entrance. Entering back outside, I walked to the garden which needs serious replanting

Pretty much all the flowers and plants were dead and dry. The grass was a gross muddy brown. Worn and very splintery wooden benches were placed here and there. A nasty gnarly tree was in the back of the garden. I could hear some banging from under the ground. It lead me to the old tree

Putting my ear against it, I could hear a Let Me Out from 6 feet under. Wishing I brought a shovel, I used whatever I brought to ghost hunt to dig up the ground beneath me

Uncovering the grave, I saw a purple ghost. It was Virgil. After I helped him out of the dug up grave, Roman immediately floated over to Virgil and hugged him tightly. Virgil hugged back, very happy that him and Roman are reunited after a very long time apart

How did the alive person know where I was?

Something called a Goggle which is found in a small yet smart magic box

It's Google, Roman. But I'm glad that I was able to help reunite you two after so long

You should be honored, I will knight you for doing this heroic deed!

I bent down to one knee, Roman pulled out his sword again and touched my shoulders with the end of the blade

I knight thee, Sir Thomas

I then stand back up, hugging both ghosts and thanking Roman for knighting me. Seeing the sky, it was getting dark. Opening my phone lead to 5 missed calls and 3 texts all from Nico asking for me to come home since it's getting late

What's wrong, Sir Thomas? I can sense that you're worried

My boyfriend is equally worried about me, it's starting to get late and Nics is wondering if I'm going back home

Go, I wouldn't want to be separated from the person you love

Agreed, Farewell Sir Thomas

I start walking back, but I returned to Roman and Virgil so that I can take a picture of them. After explaining what a photo was, my phone captures adorable pictures of the deceased couple. I reach home afterwards, being met with an anxiety-ridden Nico

You didn't answer my calls, my texts, I thought that the ghost hunting would-

I cut him off with a great big bear hug, catching Nico off guard a bit

I guess this means you were able to find the ghost of Roman, right?

I nod excitedly, telling Nico and showing Nico what happened during my ghost hunt

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