-Evening Surprise-

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Okay Roman, you have about 30 minutes of time to cook dinner for tonight. Hopefully, Virgil will be surprised since he cooks every night. He'll return from his day to day job and be surprised when he comes back home. Yeah, he'll love what I did tonight

After some cabinet searching and fridge hunting, I figured out what to make which is Pasta and Garlic Bread. I've seen Virgil make it millions of times so hopefully I don't mess it up. I fill up a pot with water and carefully place it on top of the burner. I set the burner to the highest number after salting the water

And after a few minutes, I make my first out of 2 mistakes. The water bubbles and fizzes, starting to spill over the sides!! I freaked out and tried to fix it which ended up with me accidentally spilling the almost boiling water on me. I eventually safely fix the issue and start on the other half of dinner

That is where I made my second mistake. I prepare the garlic bread and preheat the oven, putting the bread on the pan. I was waiting and waiting until a sharp beeping noise came from the oven, actually the smoke alarm!! After airing out the smoke with a combination of the fan and back door being propped open, I accidentally burned my hand while getting the hot pan with 2 black pieces of bread

I run my hand under water to heal my burn then sink down to the floor, very upset that my surprise was ruined by my inability to cook. I then heard the door open, seeing Virgil walk in the apartment. He turns to me and looks at the aftermath of what happened earlier

Roman, what happened before I came home?

I tried to surprise you by making dinner but I messed up everything. I ended up getting my hand burned and having hot water spilled on me. I can't cook and I'm sorry for ruining what I planned

Hey, it's perfectly okay Ro. I can teach you how to cook tomorrow since it's my day off. In the meantime, I'll go ahead and order a pizza and we can watch Disney Movies

Alright, thank you Mi Amor

No problem, Ro. And you're welcome

I smile and sat down on the couch, starting up the TV so that Virgil and I can watch Disney Movies over pizza. Eventually, that all too familiar knock on the door signaled that pizza has arrived. Virgil paid and shut the door, setting the cardboard box on the coffee table. We cuddle close to each other while having dinner and watching many movies

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