-Im home-

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TW-Mpreg mentions and Zeus being himself

Roman walked back to his palace, after a year of war, he has returned to ruling

I'm home!

Roman then heard crying. He found Virgil who is the source of crying, he had a bundle in his hands

Roman came up to him, wiping away his tears and asked what was wrong. Virgil showed him the bundle. It was a baby, the blanket had a lightning bolt symbol buckle

Roman knew exactly what happened, he held the child for a moment then gave Virgil a kiss. He stood up and re-sharpened his sword

Zeus will pay for what he's done

Roman told Virgil where he was going, he then set off into town. His brother Remus asked where he was going


Why? Did Dad need you for anything?

The Twins are sons of Apollo, who lives on Olympus, a mountain where the Gods live

Grandfather made Virgil have a child, he will pay for what he's done

Roman said, brandishing his sword. Remus then decided to join him for backup, getting his mace. The Twins then added Patton and Janus, Virgil's parents, and Logan, Remus's boyfriend, to their group

The 5 set off for Olympus. Soon, lots of people, monsters, and creatures joined their group to exact revenge on Zeus

They stormed the gates, Roman sprinted to the palace. He kicked down the doors (cause why not) and pointed his sword at Zeus's neck while everyone else swarmed The King of The Gods

Uhh, why are you here?

You forced My Virgil into having a child?!

He's cute

Agreed, but how dare you do that to him?!

You know me, I can't control it, once I see someone attractive, then I do it

Still, doing that is wrong?!


Im not the only one who's very infuriated at you, all of these people are angry at you

Roman gestures to the very large group behind him. Zeus gulped in fear

Sorry, I-I couldn't help it

Sorry isn't going to cut it, Zeus

I am your Grandfather, Roman!

You don't deserve to be called Grandfather after what you did

Stupid Mortals, Everyone, in here now!!

The rest of the Olympians went over, asking what was going on

Roman, why are you here?

Zeus forced Virgil to have a child

|The Olympians except Zeus|

The Olympians were now yelling at Zeus but were talking over each other so Roman and Everyone Else could hear bits and pieces of their rants

|The Unmarried Olympians|
I'll burn you - I'll shoot you with all my arrows - I won't be your favorite anymore - Persephone won't get to see you when she returns

|Aphrodite and Ares|
I'll make you fall out of love - Fight me!!

|Dionysus, Hermes,  Apollo, & Hephaestus|
No more wine for you anymore - You won't get to use my flying shoes anymore - I'll strip you of your immortality - No gifts from my workshop

This has crossed a line, brother!

Hades comforted a now weeping Persephone in a corner, not wanting to yell at his brother even though he secretly does


Hera walked in

Heeeyyyy Hera, what's up?

Don't what's up me, you have been seeing someone haven't you?!

Zeus was about to say no but everyone else said yes, Roman explained what was happening and who he saw

How dare you do that to him?!?!

He's cute and I couldn't help it - Owwie!

Hera slapped Zeus, then brought him over to an edge of Olympus

Hera, what are you - Ahhhhhh!

Zeus got pushed off, later Apollo did take away his immortality like he said. A satisfied Hera sat on Zeus's throne, wishing Roman safe travels and something for him when he gets home. Roman nods, thanking his grandmother

Later, Roman returned home to his own palace, he smiled when he saw Virgil asleep. Roman looked down, seeing the bundle. The buckle now had a butterfly and a crown symbol instead of a lightning bolt

Roman was now happy, he picked up Virgil bridal style and brought them to their room. He then picked up his child and placed it in a room ready for a baby Roman and Virgil set up in advance. Roman smiled again, ready to be a Father

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