-The Boy who wouldn't grow up-

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Logan, do you know your Dad's name?


Logan, Patton, the Lost Boys proclaimed that Roman is their Dad

Patton, who is your Papa?

You are!

Once again, Virgil's brothers and the Lost Boys proclaimed that he is their Papa. Then Virgil realized something. The longer they stay in Neverland, the more they'll forget their parents

Logan, Patton. I'm sorry but we have to go back home

Home? This is home

Our real home, Logan. With our real Dad, our real Papa, and Nana

Nana? Nana! She probably misses me

Well then, guys. Pack your things

As Logan and Patton were gathering their things, Virgil waited by the hideout entrance

...you're really going to grow up? Be all boring and have no adventure

I'm beginning to forget life back in London, Ro. So do Patton and Logan

Fine, Fine. I'll guide you

Thank you. Guys are you all packed?

Patton and Logan came up to Virgil with their things. The Lost Boys waved and shouted goodbye as they flew

The brothers then reached London, flying over to their window. They decided to go back into their beds before a sleeping Nico saw them so the Darling Children got tucked under their blankets to surprise their Papa

But when Nico woke up, he didn't remember the brothers. They've been gone in Neverland for too long so now their parents are forgetting them. Nico then left the nursery

Papa, he forgot us

We were away from them for too long

That's what happens if you stay in Neverland for long as you have been. Well then, off we fly

Virgil stayed close to Roman during their flight even when they reached Neverland just like he did during his first flight. Patton and Logan went back to the hideout, Virgil was going to follow them but Roman grabbed his hand

I have something to show you

Roman lead Virgil over to a beautiful grove. Fairyland. Virgil was amazed by the sight, then Roman took his hand again. Virgil got surprised when Roman lead him into a waltz, the fairies and butterflies flew around them until they stopped. Reaching the hideout, Virgil tucked in his brothers and the Lost Boys before he fell asleep as well

Roman smiled and went into bed too, sleeping next to Virgil. Now, it just so happens that Roman has an enemy. Captain Janus Hook, everyone knows him as Deceit. He wants revenge after his right hand got cut off by Roman and then eaten by a crocodile

Always on Janus's person was a vial of poison, after his crew took Virgil and the boys in their sleep back to his ship, He put a drop of the poison in a cup of medicine meant for Roman to drink. He quietly did an evil laugh to himself before slipping out of the hideout

Roman then woke up, not feeling Virgil beside him. He then searched the hideout for the Boys. He remembered to take his medicine before leaving, but as he was about to drink it, he tripped on a rock, spilling it and making it seep into one of the strong tree branches creating part of the hideout. It immediately rotted, so Roman thought that he was going to be killed if he drank it

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