-Intrusion vs Anxiousness-

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Spoilers for Working Through Intrusive Thoughts (WTIT)!! Don't read until after watching the newest ASides - The Author

The sound of Lets Kill Tonight by Panic! At The Disco blared in my room. Meaning that it was time for me to wake up, checking the time, it was 2:02 pm. 2pm Thomas is awake. I snap myself dressed and eyeshadowed

Hopefully there's breakfast made by Dad already in the fridge, I'm starving after having an existential crisis last night because Thomas had some rough insecurities

I go down the steps, waving a quick hello to Dad and now remembering that Thomas's apartment is an absolute messy dumpster fire. Logan isn't going to be happy. Screw breakfast then, I need to make sure that Thomas's life is in order but from a distance, Logan and Remus were only needed for the most recent ASides and I don't want to interfere

I sink down, seeing Thomas with a bowl of instant oatmeal. Something small and metallic was in it too, a nail!! Thomas took a spoonful of oatmeal including the object of a choking hazard!! A storm of anxiety is coming, I can feel it everywhere in my body, somehow in the empty cavity where my heart would go


Thomas listened, thank the Emo Gods. Strange, it was just oatmeal. Then Remus put it in! I noticed that the sliding doors behind Dad's blinds were open. Someone might have the urge to break in and steal stuff!!

Did you forget to cloSE THE DOOR?!?!

Thomas closed it, but it lead to a chain reaction to open the closet door. It had green lighting instead of the normal lightbulbs, signs of a certain side that I do not want to talk to at all


He didn't listen, Thomas felt drawn to the closet. He was about to look inside the Remus triggered trap in the closet until I managed to squeeze his hand, making him snap back to reality. Thank the Emo Gods that I stopped him from making him scared then what he already is right now

Ok, 2 panic! at the disco inducing events avoided. Hopefully Remus can leave Thomas alone, yet again it's not possible since he is a part of Thomas. Laundry is being done, then Thomas moved onto his room after seeing red ketchup stains on his only white dress shirt. I could sense something more sinister and terrifying about to happen in Thomas's room

Another chain reaction happened, making a green fabric go over Thomas's bed. Both of us tore it off, only seeing a pillow under it. Once the bed was made, we looked up but instead of seeing something else to clean.

It was Nico, but COrRuPTeD by Remus's terrible and horrible mind. It will most definitely make me panic! at the disco for weeks or months, Remus can do damage on me and knows how to wear me down which is definitely great for the situation currently

Everything was the same but Nico had drippy makeup under his eyes and he held a black weirdly shaped knife in his left hand. It was a knife but it had no handle or distinct blade starting point. It was just one single cohesive weapon. The sound of lighting crackling started above my head, then thunder, finally a Stormcloud emerged from my panic

Virgil, what are you doing here? This was supposed to be my episode!

Ooh the nerds leaving me out! How fun!

Just ignore him, anyway, you're in a moment of high distress Virgil. It'll be wise for you to go to Patton or Roman. Let me handle the situation so that you can calm down with your PG-13 music that we know you listen to daily


Is there a way to counterbalance Remus's terrorizing hologram so that you and Thomas will be feeling ok?


Logan listened and held up one of his cringe worthy cards, apparently Shake What Your Mama Gave Ya is trendy for dancing

Then Thomas did some mediocre dancing to make the Remusy-Nico go away. My panic went away after Logan helped me calm down by filtering out any cognitive distortions and filling me in on what happened before I came in uninvited but not really uninvited

Logan attempted to joke that Remus is allergic to soap, it gave me flashbacks on when Ja-Deceit chased Remus around the house because Remus needed to take a proper bath after god knows how much time went by. I laughed a bit when Logan told me that Remus got stabbed in his left eye with a knife and the attempts to get Thomas blasted with Intrusive Thoughts

Then the real Nico decided to FaceTime Thomas, asking if they can go see some art downtown. Thomas agreed, leaving me and Logan at the apartment

I gave him a bye before sinking down to tell both Dad and Princey that we're going out with Nico to see some art outside. Perfect for my vampire self to get some vitamin D

We're going out with our Dream Boy from the mall, thanks to yours truly!

I helped, Princey. Don't take all the credit

True that, Emo Nightmare. You quite literally pushed Thomas to the wonderful world of romance

I did do that, ugh whatever. Go be your sappy self away from me, WonderBoy

I sat underneath a nearby tree where the art was and was totally not staring at Roman, I would never do that since we can be at odds. All was good until I heard an apple crunch above me, I looked at my hoodie sleeve and saw it go a black plaid for a second

Oh no

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