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Normally the author has a goal to pass 1000 words whenever they're writing a typical Oneshot, but today they're tired so the count is in the 3 digit range

The fan above made a light swishing sound as the wind swirled around the blades

The sun streamed through soft fabric curtains covering the windows, outside some birds were singing their sweet song

Lying on silk sheets was billionaire Roman Rodriguez, normally he would be alone sleeping soundly but now someone is with him

Virgil was able to see through his "playboy" persona that Roman had, he changed and became a nicer guy when they fell in love

Currently the couple are fiancés, Roman recently proposed and the Internet went wild. Before the event, Roman picked up a ring and ring box, posting a picture on his Instagram with the caption For Mi Amor

Virgil woke up first, struggling to leave Romans arms for a few minutes until eventually figuring out how to pry himself out of the metaphorical death grip

He immediately hugged himself because his room was cold, Virgil wished that he was back in bed with Roman but the next best thing was stealing an article of his fiancés clothes

Specifically, Romans red and white velvet and cashmere bathrobe. It's both super soft and warm, combatting the lack of heat

Virgil left the large walk-in closet after putting on the robe and went to the equally large en-suite bathroom so that Virgil can brush his teeth

He was about to put on his makeup when strong arms got wrapped around his waist

You're too pretty without your eyeshadow, Mi Amor, no need to be self conscious

Virgil nods and puts the eyeshadow back on the counter

Looks like my robe got stolen

I was freezing Ro, it's the next best thing if I'm not in your arms

Roman nods and turns Virgil around so that they are facing eachother. He kissed Virgil's forehead and stole back his robe in the process

Virgil hissed at Roman, immediately hugging himself again since he's cold

Whyyy, I'm cold again

Now you're warm

Roman picked up Virgil so that his legs are around Romans waist and his arms are around Romans neck


Virgil nods and the couple walked downstairs, the faint sounds of futuristic tech was outside their private house in the very fancy and rich Brentwood Pinnacles. Since it's the year 3021, the technology has boomed in the past 1000 years. Now daily life is basically like the Jetsons (If you get that reference, the author gives you a cookie)

There's flying cars, non explosive hoverboards, everything is shiny and brand new, normal stereotypical future genre requirements

The rest of the world take advantage of the tech, Roman and Virgil do use some but they're used to the old way of life back in the 2000s. Virgil sat on the counter and Roman pressed a button, giving them breakfast in an instant

They ate their breakfast and went back to their room to get dressed. It's Saturday so the couple didn't go full on dressed but they made an effort

Roman finally turned up the heat so that Virgil isn't cold for the entire day which he appreciated. An ice cold glass of expensive champagne got opened up and poured into 2 equally expensive glasses for the couple to drink since it's a relatively warm day out, kinda April or Spring weather

Roman and Virgil clinked their glasses, taking a sip of champagne in unison and enjoying their morning together

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