-Act 4 : The Wedding-

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Roman takes a quick glance at Virgil before finishing up the last of stacking wood. He placed it on the stack and wipes his forehead of any sweat

He, along with his father the King, his uncle, the current Duke of Milan, and some other members of court, have been washed up on an island after a great storm

Roman was then separated from everyone and then put to work by the owner of the island, a wizard and the former Duke of Milan, Janus. Janus's son is Virgil, who Roman fell in love with

Great timing, Janus approached the young prince

You have been in my hands for some time, and I have noticed your affection for my son. I allow it to continue and will even let you be free from your labor unlike a certain spawn of the devil himself, however, do not invade his innocence until after you are wed

You mean it, sir? I'm allowed to marry Virgil?

I give you my blessing, Prince Roman. My son is out in the flower fields waiting for you

Roman gave his future father in law a smile before going to where Virgil is

Corazon! We can get married!

We can?

Yes! Your father gave us his blessing!

An excited Virgil ran towards Roman, the Prince picked him up by the waist and spun him around

Me marrying you means that I'm going to be a prince too, right? Will your family accept me into your life since they banished both Father and I to here?

Nonsense, they'll like you. If they don't, then we can stay on the island

Virgil nods as Roman picks a flower from the field, placing it in Virgil's hair

Meanwhile, Janus and his companion Patton was setting up the happy occasion for Virgil and Roman

I call upon the spirits! Help me with this event, the union between my son Virgil and the young prince of Naples Roman!

The spirits listened to the request and flew down to the island, dancing and singing. They found Roman and Virgil in the flower field, sleeping. They moved them inside the house so that the wedding will be in the field, for an added touch, the spirits dressed the couple in their finest clothes

Janus did the same, Patton gave him a book to read off of since he was acting as the priest. Patton picked flowers for himself since he was playing the flower girl, the spirits gave him rings to so that he can also be the ring bearer

The couple was then woken up by the spirits, seeing themselves in their finest white clothes. Roman had a loose white long sleeve shirt, short breeches, and boots. Virgil surprisingly had a white dress on, it originally belonged to his deceased mother. Around his neck was a pearl necklace with a pendant having a purple stone

They held hands and opened the door, seeing the makeshift wedding. Janus stood at the aisle, waiting for Virgil so that they can walk down it. Roman went to the altar, waiting with Patton who already did the flower girl part of his job

Virgil and Janus walked down the aisle, the spirits were in the seats facing the altar. Virgil then got handed off to Roman, Janus stood holding the book given to him by Patton earlier

Janus did the traditional wedding speech, Patton gave the couple their rings. Both were gold and had diamonds on it, each had the others names and a heart engraved on it

Roman, you may now kiss my son

The spirits, Janus, and Patton cheered as the couple kissed. Afterwards, a masque was then held

Roman and Virgil danced as did the spirits. Everyone sat down on the flowered grass so that the spirits can perform for the couple

Juno, The Roman Goddess of Marriage came and blessed the couple with lifelong happiness in their union with a song

Ceres, The Roman Goddess of the Harvest came and blessed the couple with them not being forced to face her wrath with famine and loss of crops with a second song

Finally Iris, The Roman Goddess of the Rainbow came and blessed the couple using their magic with the final song, sealing the Goddesses words

Nymphs then arrived to dance again, Roman and Virgil joined them to celebrate their marriage with the spirits

Janus was watching his son be happy but then remembered something

Spirits! Leave us be and return to your world! Remus, the devil's spawn under my employment, and his companions are coming to kill me so that they can take over the island!

The spirits then floated back to the sky, hearing Janus's words

Who is Remus again?

Father just shouted a characteristic about him. Remus is the son of the devil and a witch, causing his nasty appearance. He likes me and has attempted to deflower and marry me, but I refused. He is under Father's employment, although I haven't seen him much during your time here

Oh. Welp if he shows up, then he does. But if he does anything to you, then he'll be hunted down by me and my beautifully manicured sword!

Roman then kissed the blade of his sword, making Virgil laugh

That's nice, Ro. All the spirits are gone since Father got them to leave so our wedding is probably over now

Makes sense, want to stay here in the flower field or go back to the house?

We could stay then go back home

We can, I do want to play a game of chess with you when we're inside the house

Good idea, although I vaguely remember the rules of chess so do you mind re-teaching me?

Not at all

Roman then picked a rose from the field, placing it behind Virgil's ear and smiling

How did I get so lucky with someone like you?

Fathers magic and our love, either that or fate. Although if you think about it, if you never went on the boat in the first place, then we would never meet

True, but we did meet and fall in love. The field is pretty, like you. I want to take a picture of it

What's a picture?

I have no idea? Is the Author breaking the fourth wall again?

They probably are, only for comedic reasons

Like I was saying, your beauty outweighs the flower field. It's pretty obvious

You think it does?

I know it does, I'm staring at it right now

Virgil gave out a small laugh at the statement

Now I'm up for that game of chess

Agreed, come on Corazon. I'll let you go first

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