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2 sets of feet clacked against the fancy floor of a ballroom. One was light as a feather, and the other was heavy like a weight

Virgil and Roman. A Fairy and a Vampire. They were forbidden to see eachother after word broke out that Vampires can steal Fairy Magic if their blood was drained by the specific species. Yet they did meet in secret, without the watchful eyes of their ancestors

Roman, the Vampire, was hesitant about turning Virgil, the Fairy, into one of his kind after learning about Fairy Blood being stolen by Vampires. But he was scared of losing Virgil after he got hurt one night

That one fateful night, Roman was confronted by other vampires over his relationship with Virgil. They threatened him and fought, Roman was more powerful but got an injured right arm in the process

Is my soul too dark for you, Butterfly?

Roman asked out of the blue during the dance, starting to feel his wounds beginning to hurt again while he was thinking about the fight which lead to the injury

No, it's perfect just the way it is

Roman nods, starting to agree with what Virgil said. Eventually, the dance ended and the couple went to their room. Virgil was now sleeping while Roman was awake. His injured right arm from the past was still hurting again.

Roman remembered that Virgil was the one to heal his wounds back when he got hurt but it unfortunately wasn't permanent, due to Virgil being a common Fairy. If he wants to get the wound completely healed, Roman would have to go to a true Fairy Healer since there's no Vampire Healers

Virgil slowly started to wake up, seeing Roman awake. He sleepily shuffled to Roman, asking what's wrong

My injury is now hurting again. Your magic faded away and I'll have to go to a Fairy Healer. Everything with the Fairy Magic and their blood being stolen would make me get denied healing if I travel to Fairyland

Couldn't you just charm them into healing you? Or I can use my magic to disguise you as a human

True, I can go in the morning. Sleep will help me, I think

Virgil nods and helps Roman lay down, going back to sleep shortly after being wrapped in the Vampires protective arms. Roman smiled and went to sleep as well

Early in the morning, Roman woke up with his wound hurting severely. He struggled to move his right arm since it was giving him massive pain. He tried to do basic things involving his left arm which wasn't his dominant arm so Virgil helped him with those things once he was awake

A quick physical therapy session later, Roman and Virgil went to Fairyland to find a healer. Virgil disguised Roman as a human so that he doesn't get found out

They eventually found a healer who didn't suspect a thing. Up until when the magic was beginning to fade away just like it happened when Roman was temporarily healed with Virgil's magic.

Roman quickly charmed himself back into a human, he couldn't do it when his injury came back because there's no Vampire Healers. The Fairy Healer eventually fully healed Roman's wound on his arm

Roman and Virgil returned to Vampire Land, sharing a dance in the ballroom once again

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