-Keystone Motel-

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Steven Universe X Sanders Sides
Episode - Keystone Motel
Steven - Thomas
Ruby - Roman
Sapphire - Virgil
Garnet - Remy
Greg - Himself

I was so happy when Remy said that he was going to come on this trip with me and Dad! Home's been awful! Here's been awful!

Roman and Virgil now look at eachother with worried faces, with Virgil starting to get anxious about what happened during the trip

I thought you wanted to have a fun time but everyone's been acting awful too! It just came with us! I don't understand! Is it...is it me?
~looks down at the ground in disappointment~

No! Thomas, it's all us!

But we made him feel...like it was his fault. I keep looking into the future when all of this has already been solved...as if you don't matter how you feel in the present. No wonder you think I don't care

Now Virgil is crying, Roman immediately noticed that

Corazon...No, no no no no no no no! This is all my fault. I didn't want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You're right, you're always right! I was being stupid!

I don't think you're stupid!

I'm... sorry...

Roman brushes back Virgil's purple bangs

You honestly think that I'm not upset about what happened? I was just trying to do the right thing...

Roman wipes away Virgil's tears

I know...

Roman's hand stays on Virgil's cheek after his tears are gone

You know what's nice about being split up?

~looks concerned~

I get to look at you

Roman grins as Virgil playfully pushes him, giggling

Be serious!

~hugs Virgil~
There's my Laughy Virgie!
~laughs mischievously~

Shh! You're embarrassing me in front of Thomas!

Thomas unfortunately looks away from the sheer gay energy and the authors serotonin in embarrassment

Roman picks up Virgil like a Princess and basically kisses everywhere on Virgil's face, laughing and giggling respectively

~walks up to Thomas~
Well I paid for breakfast, and the damage to the booth. Anywho, I think I'm all vacationed out. Ready to call it a day?

Thomas was about to say something when Roman and Virgil fused

~smiles and adjusts sunglasses~
Not before we get our free ice

~starry eyed~

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