-Overworking Himself-

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Ro's been overworking himself lately which has been giving me stress and anxiety lately

Recently night after night I see him asleep at his desk with some papers being his pillow and the clothes he's wearing acting as his blanket

So tonight after saying goodnight to Dad, I walk to my room shared with Ro and see him slumped over sleeping with clear beginnings of bags under his Forest Green Eyes

I yawn then go to the walk-in closet, stealing one of Romans shirts to sleep in for tonight and grabbing a pair of purple spiderwebbed patterned fluffy pants. I snap my fingers and Ro is magically in his own pajamas

I walked to his desk, grabbing the back of the spinny chair Ro is sitting in and wheel him over to his side of our bed.

I attempted to pick him up but it was no use since he was more heavier and stronger than me. My nimble frame wouldn't even dare to compare with his more muscular build

So I snapped my fingers again, magically putting Ro in bed. I turn on the fairy lights around the four posters of our bed before turning off the main light

I tuck myself into bed, being immediately hit like a truck with warmth because I felt Romans arms find and wrap around me

I got moved from the bed sheets to be laying on top of Roman with him basically hugging me to make sure that I don't roll off and fall on the floor. Me being more lighter than Roman means that I won't hurt or compress him during the night

I finally fell asleep in Romans arms

In the morning, I felt soft sheets against my back and a person light enough to not compress me laying on my chest. I thought that I was at my desk working on ASides stuff

Don't I remember getting up and sleeping with Corazon last night? My Forest Green eyes started to open, looking to the right to see my desk chair pulled up to my side of the bed

I look in front of me and see Corazon sleeping so what I think happened is I got wheeled over to the bed and got magicked in since Corazon can't pick me up

I have to get back to work since it's very important so I get out of bed, leaving Corazon to rest. As I was walking to my desk, I felt Corazon hug me from behind meaning that he needs to talk to me about something. I turned around to face him

Corazon, what do you need to talk about? You're going to have to make it quick since I have to do things for ASides

It's about that, you're clearly overworking yourself. I can see bags under your eyes and now every night you fall asleep at your desk. It's been giving me stress and anxiety, I'm just scared of you continuing this cycle

I didn't know that it would be that bad, Corazon I'm sorry to make you feel stressed and anxious. I'll try to have breaks in between so that we can spend time together again. I'll even do it right now so that you'll be happy

Corazon's face just lit up and immediately hugged me, it's kinda weird to see him this happy since he's always sarcastic but I love this hidden side of Corazon

So what do you want to do first?

Of course, right then and there, Logan comes in our room

Roman, why aren't you doing your work? It would make my job much more easier if you did it now then save it for late at night.

Nerd, even though we're friends, I'm going to have to refuse. Corazon noticed that I've been overworked myself for some time so I want to redeem myself by not doing it and spend time with Corazon to make up for lost time today. But I will do it, just let me take a break

But this is important, don't you want to get it done first?

I will do it, let me have some time to spend with Corazon first. Doing it will just overwork me more since I realized I did it lately

Logan was about to protest when Padre heard the commotion and stepped in

Logan, Romans right about taking a break. He told you twice that he will do the work but not right now to have time being spent with my Son

~monotonly sighs in defeat~
Fine, take your unnecessary break with Virgil, Roman

Yay! I'm happy you listened Logan. Now go have your alone time with eachother Roman and My Son!

Dad and Logan left so Ro and I are finally alone again

So what do you want to do first?

Us-Time in the Imagination?

Surprise me with the Us-Time

Ro made his immediate idea face

I know exactly how to surprise you, give me 10, 15 minutes tops!

Ro then ran off into the vast Imagination, I sat on our bed waiting for him

Ro returned after 15 minutes

Your surprise awaits, Follow Me

I took Ro's hand and he lead me to this beautiful hidden place

There was a small body of water, probably a stream or something. Unthorny red roses were everywhere along with lavender

A picnic set up was underneath this massive willow tree. In between 2 other trees was a hammock. Both was on the farther side of the stream, the only way to get there is crossing an arched bridge

Everything looks straight out of a fairy tale, this was quite the surprise

Do you like it? I mean my brain has been used for work previously so I'm not making things left and right like I used to-

Hugging him made me cut off what Ro was saying

Like it? I love it, Ro this is beautiful

Not as beautiful as you, Corazon

My eyeshadow started to turn that familiar shade of purple

You have the butterflies!

Looks like I do, Ro

Ro picked me up by my waist and spun me around in complete happiness, being Anxiety makes me feel anxious always 24/7 so having Butterflies in the stomach is rare

I was still in Ro's arms when we walked to the picnic blanket and basket. I got set down on the fabric and so did Ro, sitting across from me

We had typical picnic food to eat as our breakfast, afterwards Ro stuck out a hand for me to take which I did and Ro lead us to the hammock

He got in first, laying on his back and I was on top of him, I'm light enough to not compress or hurt Ro. I heard him sing So This is Love, causing me to relax and ultimately start to have a nap

Corazon is asleep so I stopped singing, I smiled and put one foot on the grass so that I can rock the hammock in hopes to keep Corazon sleeping

Corazon truly worried about me when I was not knowingly overworked, he cares like I care for him. I smiled at that thought and continued to rock the hammock, knowing that using that time to have us-time is a very good choice

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