-Outlaw AU-

194 8 12

TW-Baby/Sugar as a pet name

$5,000 Reward
Wanted Dead or Alive
Roman Barrow and Virgil Parker
For Murder & Armed Robberies of banks, gas stations, and small stores. They are presumed armed and dangerous
Notify the Texas Rangers

I ripped off the last Wanted Poster hanging from a wooden pole. We're currently staying at a small Texas ghost town, a perfect place to do what we do

The blazing hot sun is killing me, it's way early in the morning and I kept seeing those things being stamped onto everything. So I just decided to take them down

I went back into the rented room that we're staying in, Vi's still asleep. His pretty face will become beautiful after getting stained with cherry red blood once our job is done. He likes to say that my favorite color all over his face is a sign that I love him

I do love Virgil, very much. I can still taste the hot chocolate from back when we met. It was love at first sight and now here we are

I lay down next to Virgil after taking off my boots, tie, and blazer, leaving me in my white collared shirt and pants. I unbutton the top 3 buttons on my shirt and roll up the sleeves to my elbows so now I'm not feeling that stuffy anymore

Speaking of Virgil, his jewel like eyes opened and he started to wake up, not being used to this early of the hour

Good morning, Baby

Hi Ro, you left me and I was cold

Sorry, I needed to take down the abundance of our wanted posters in the place we're at

This early?

Yeah, but I'm here now

Are we going to do our job today or is that for another time?

Thinking we could do today, there's the only bank in this town that we can rob

Dispose of people if necessary?

Of course, but I think that rule would be dropped during it. Besides, you look beautiful with my favorite color on your face Baby

You always say that

But it's true!

Are we taking everything or something specific?

Everything, the town is tiny so it's worth taking it all

Makes sense

Have I ever told you that your eyes are like jewels? They're pretty much Amethysts and Emeralds, and they sparkle in the sunlight like the real things

No, up until now

Well then world, Virgil's eyes are beautiful Amethysts and Emeralds!!

You would declare that just for me?

I would, Baby. It adds to the pretty factor of your face having cherry red blood all over it

Aww Ro, that's sweet

I knew that you would like that

Again, this town is tiny meaning less law enforcement. We're not going to be separated

That was smart of you to pick this place, and I still have your letters from when I was in prison

You kept them?

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