-Don't Leave-

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Late at night. Around 1am

Roman and Virgil were sleeping, but Roman started to shake. He was beginning to get scared, petrified of losing his love in the night from the creatures that live among darkness. So his instincts told him to protect Virgil and keep him safe from anyone and anything dangerous

His hands gripped tight around the slimmer body of Virgil as they brought him closer. His mouth started to mumble, sleepiness slurred them together a bit. Roman kept repeating that he needed to protect Virgil, his eyes refusing to open throughout

But, Virgil's eyes did. He slowly awoke, starting to adjust his vision until he heard the mumbling from his boyfriend. Virgil began to wake up Roman, hoping that he can help him out of his nightmare

Ro, wake up

...must keep my butterfly safe...don't let anything hurt him...

Roman, please!

...don't want to lose him...have to protect him...

Roman Sanders wake up!!

Roman immediately awoke, seeing Virgil. He held his boyfriend closer, still scared of losing him to the dangers of anything harmful. Virgil started to cry, Roman's loyalty and love for him drove The Prince to create a nightmare about losing him so that's why he's crying

What's wrong, Butterfly?

You're afraid of losing me, your loyalty and love for me drove you over the edge. How could it do that?

I...I just love you so much, I'm terrified of you leaving or me not being there for you as danger steals you away. I will do anything to keep you safe and protected. Please don't leave me

Of course I won't leave, Ro. I love you so much

Roman started to loosen his grip onto Virgil, now knowing that he isn't losing his boyfriend. Virgil's tears got wiped away as he smiled at Roman. Roman smiled back and fell back asleep with Virgil still in his arms

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